[h2][center]Lorand[/center][/h2] [hr] After hearing the explanation of the small Japanese girls anger, Lorand couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. "Oh, so she's going to hurt me, is she? She sure is a fiery little one." The statement she made, all in all, was absolutely ludicrous, but he could tell that the girl was totally serious. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing though, in fact the girl's determination was a virtue if anything, even if it was directed the wrong way. Either way, she would probably calm down if they found her little sister, and if she didn't, he wasn't really scared of her anger. If she actually did try and hurt him, she would hurt herself because of the ring of thorns, and even one strike of Lorand's sword would probably bring her to critical health, not counting the DoT. Either way, he could think about that later. For now, they had a little sister to save. Lorand pulled up his own map and looked at the area that Melia had described. He turned and spoke to Melia. "Well, if this is the area where that girl's sister is, it shouldn't take us too long to get there. In fact, it might not even take us-" Lorand very suddenly stopped speaking, as he realized something that could potentially be a problem. Plain and simple, Amelia was in the area. This was frightening to him because Amelia is not someone you would want taking care of small children. Even through the helmet, it was obvious that his expression turned to one of horror as he imagined the bad influence Amelia could be on a young kid. She would probably make the girl just like her, some who constantly role plays and doesn't acknowledge their actual existence. Lorand could deal with one Amelia, but he definitely could not deal with Amelia plus a pint-sized version of herself. He gave Melia a very grave expression and just said. "We need to leave. Right now. That girl's sister is in a type of danger you couldn't even imagine." After that, Lorand started packing up his stuff and got ready to ride towards the girl's sister at max speed.