Kilian slowly pulled his hand back with a light smile and a nod, that was not a response he had expected. Still it was and interesting one and made him wonder what Miles had been through before coming here. He guessed that it would not have been anything like what he had been doing during his service or training. With out thinking his one hand went to his belt and he felt for a knife but he was sure he wouldn't have any there. No he was not carrying any weapon right now as he had not felt any need for it during transit or had not had time to change into uniform to which he might be carrying sidearm and knife. [Color=olivedrab] "I don't mind at all Miles. I am looking forward to be working with you in this new squad. Well I did not think about bribing you to fix my fighter. Isn't that what this ship have it's engineers for? We should more or less just tell them what we want done and work with them right?" [/color] What had her last assignment been like if she had been fixing planes for bribes and now felt obligated to tell him about it? This would be a most interesting group to work with and to get to know them all. He leaned back a bit on the chair and took in the layout of their quarters. It seemed to be like most standard quarters for a squad but still it was a step up from his last assignment and that felt good. Kilian hoped he could be friends with everyone in the squad and not step on anyones toes. What kind of missions would they be sent on and how soon would they been sent out? Thoughts where swirling in his head even though he felt a bit tired still. Then he smiled again as he looked at Nyx and tilted his head a bit. [color=olivedrab] "How long have you been a pilot?" [/color] He was just curious about how long she had been flying and meant nothing with the question more then wanting to know more about her and how her last assignment had been. [@RainDash]