Slowly, Chara blinked their eyes open. They were in a dark cavern, lit by a ray of sunshine streaming down from the gap above. Beneath them were golden flowers - they must have broken their fall. They heard the voice of a young boy and turned towards its source. Chara was momentarily taken aback when they saw that the speaker had floppy ears and white fur. Whoever he was, he certainly wasn't human. Maybe Chara was hallucinating - perhaps their body was broken and bleeding out on the cavern floor while their mind was elsewhere, imagining anthropomorphic goats. Maybe that fall had killed them, and this was the afterlife. Their attention was diverted away from such macabre thoughts when the realized that the kid was asking them if they were ok and offering to help them up. They couldn't remember the last time anybody had cared about their well-being, so Chara decided to just go with it, and climbed to their feet with his help. This person, odd as he was, didn't seem all that bad. [color=ed1c24]"I'm Chara,"[/color] they said. [color=ed1c24]"Who are you?"[/color]