[b]Name[/b] - Jonas Tullonev [b]Species[/b] - Human (Alderaan) [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Age[/b] - 26 [b]Occupation[/b] - Smuggler [b]Appearance[/b] - [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/55/3a/ae/553aae163436fd8b4029e062826f2949.jpg[/img] [b]Apparel[/b] - Jonas's Outfit as seen above [b]Weapons[/b] - Dual DL-18 Blaster pistols, Frag Grenades, Combat Knife. [b]Equipment[/b] - Datapad, Grappling hook attachment, Code Cracker (For all advanced hacking needs), [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/d6/78/60d678cfdc7f4cf7784d89cbc69107ed.jpg]R3-D6 Droid 'Rex'[/url], [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/ad/YT-2000_SotG.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090826000658]The Star-Skipper (Currently in Hangar), Small tool kit[/url] [b]Skills[/b] - Exceptional Pilot: Having spent time aboard ships all his life and needing to do some fast flying on more than a couple occasions, Jonas is a very skilled pilot. -Silver Tongue: Jonas, being a 'legitimate business man' knows how to talk to people and if he can talk his way out of a situation rather than shooting his way out, he prefers the former. -Droid technician: Jonas has been around droids all his life and knows how to repair and program them and ever since he got Rex, he needed to do that twice as much. -Decent Shot: While he would like to talk his way out of all of his situations, he can't, so Jonas has learned to handle a gun, both big and small. -Navigation Expert: Navigating and piloting go hand in hand, it was a necessity for Jonas to learn this and he did it as early as 10. [b]Flaws[/b] -Money Driven: Jonas just wants to sell his cargo and get out, he doesn't care about anything else. -Morally Gray: While Jonas is by no means an 'evil' person, when it comes to getting the job done, he may turn a blind eye to another person's suffering. -Overly Cautious: Jonas isn't willing to take some risks that might endanger him or his cargo. -Traumatized: After witnessing the slaughter of his Father's entire trade tycoon and barely escaping death himself, Jonas has constant nightmares and flashbacks. -Distant: After the massacre of everybody he knew, the only thing he cares about is getting the job done. And maybe Rex. If anyone tries to get close to him, he'll simply disappear. [b]Personality[/b] - Jonas is a smuggler, driven by money and survival. He knows he won't make a decent salary to live off of working an honest living and after the destruction of the family business, he turned to illegal means of payment. He's not a good person or a bad one, but he'll turn a blind eye to other's suffering to help himself. He's wary at the best of times and paranoid at the worst, he has PTSD from witnessing the slaughter of hundreds at the hands of the empire. He hates both rebels and the empire equally and he just wants to live his life. He's distant with other people, hoping to keep most relationships strictly professional, his only true friend being his droid, Rex. If someone tries to get close to him, he'll just disappear one day, not likely to return for a long time. [b]Goals[/b] - Get paid for this cargo shipment and get the hell off Coruscant. [b]Backstory[/b] - Jonas was born on Alderaan in 36 BBY. After giving birth, his mother left his father and they never saw her again. Feeling betrayed, Jonas's father left Alderaan with Jonas, as it was his mother's home planet. He started a trade goods service with a small freighter. So Jonas grew up on starships, traveling from planet to planet all over the galaxy. He was never told about his mother as when he brought it up, his father simply said "Don't worry about it." Jonas's father taught him how to pilot and navigate, how to fire a blaster and a turret, how to trade and barter. He taught Jonas everything he knew. Jonas first met the Jedi in 25 BBY, 3 years before the start of the clone wars. Their freighter and other ships in their growing trade fleet had been hijacked by pirates. Sending out a distress signal, a Jedi Master and her padawan came to save them. Jonas was amazed by their power and their laser swords (Or lightsabers, as he found out later). As the war approached, business ramped up, but so did the danger. The Clone Wars was a time of prosperity and peril for Jonas and his father. They carried all kinds of cargo and goods through the galaxy and the danger of wartime made sure they were paid double. But it wasn't just the separatists they had to worry about. Pirates and specifically Hondo's Infamous Pirate fleet. And while most of their trading was done on the inner rim and core worlds, occasionally they had to make a trip to the outer rim. But everything changed when the Jedi were labeled as traitors by the Chancellor and hunted to extinction. Now it wasn't the pirates that were the problem, it was the growing restrictions and regulations. The republic changed to the empire, freedom to oppression. Jonas's father was an idealist and when he heard rumors about rebel cells, he sought them out. And so, they began supplying rebels all over the galaxy, getting paid for their supplies while also making their standard routes, they made the best of the new galaxy. But it didn't last. In 17 BBY, Jonas was 19. His father's trade business had become a fleet, with more than 30 freighters working for him. His own small freighter had been replaced with a large cargo vessel with just over 100 workers on it, including Jonas as second in command. But The Empire found out about their dealings with rebels cells and they attacked. They boarded the ship, stormtroopers gunning down employees left and right. Jonas and his father made it down to the escape pods, none had been jettisoned. No one else had made it. They prepared a pod for deployment, but they were too slow. The troopers burst in, gunning down Jonas's father. On his fall, his father hit the launch button, sending Jonas into space. He drifted for a few days, miserable, before crash landing on a planet called Tatooine. There is where he met R3-D6 or as he nicknamed him after he bought him. He worked on tatooine for a year before he had enough to buy a trip to Alderaan on a freighter called the Star-Skipper. Halfway through the flight, he learned that his pilot was one of the pirates that hijacked their ship years ago. After a brief fight, Jonas threw the pirate out of the airlock and claimed the ship for himself, which he imagined had been stolen anyway. After that he took on the occupation of smuggling, traveling the galaxy selling and transporting illegal cargo. Jonas ended up in 3030 on business, as always, but he would soon find he would be staying loner than anticipated....