[hider=Maelstrom] [center][img]http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q716/TimothyMably/static8-1_zps24fb7762.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jason 'Jay' White [b]Alias:[/b] Maelstrom [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers/equipment:[/b] Electrokinesis - Hydrokinesis ;; The main fundamentals of Jason's powerset, the teenager has been a mutant since the day he was born - giving him control over both electricity, and the water molecules within the world. His body storing both of these elements in raw amounts, Jason, along with being able to manipulate and generate water and electricity at will, has the ability to absorb both of these elements in their related spectrums, and use the absorbed elements to further bolster his powers. This makes him a very versatile hero, with much potential at becoming great, but it also makes him a bit of a wildcard. Such power at his fingertips can make burning out or losing control only a footstep away, after all. [b]Weakness:[/b] As is expected, Jason, if he stresses out his powers too much, can become very weakened and vulnerable. Similarly, he bears a weakness towards incredible amounts of heat, due to it drying out the water within his body, and if submerged within the earth for any prolonged period of time, it begins to dampen his electrical reserves. [b]Personality:[/b] Although he comes off as a bit cold and/or distant at first, that's mainly because Jason doesn't create bonds very easily. Calm and focused, he is a natural leader, if only because he is confident in his ability to save others, and he has been through quite a lot in his seventeen years of living, meaning that he can lend an empathetic ear to those under his command. Regardless of this, he is a guy that enjoys his time alone, and, as thus, gives off a bit of a lone wolf vibe. He gives no mercy to enemies, and although he doesn't outright kill people...well, they do end up incredibly injured, if not outright paralyzed - literally - at times. However, get on his good side, or slide into the little cocoon of broody-steelness he has going on, then you will have a permanent, powerful guardian on your side. Despite it all, Jason does have a fun side, and is really not as stuck-up as you might think. He has a wry, sharp-witted humor that comes out naturally whenever his brain decides that a sarcastic comment is needed. [b]History:[/b] A boy that grew up in an over-all rough neighborhood, Jason was never a stranger to fighting. He had to become the provider within his family, as he did not have a father, and his mother was hardly reliable when it came to food and water. He took care of her and his little brother for as long as he could, stealing and getting involved in different criminal activity because of it. His powers were realized during an armed robbery, where he had been cornered by four cops, and his mask was beginning to get pulled off. He remember yelling as he shoved the cop away, water from the nearby drainage pipe blasting through the steel, and slamming the policemen into the alleywall with enough force to knock them out. After escaping, still reeling from unlocking his power, Jason began to train his abilities in secret, whilst using them to take care of his family. It was in his early teen years when his brother was taken into child's services, and his mom arrested for negligence. Not wanting to be locked away in a foster home, Jason fled, heart broken because of the abrupt separation. Since then, he has moved between states, training his powers and learning from different people, all in the effort to make the world a better place. Quite a few years has passed since his journey has started, and he has learned and mastered a lot, from different teachers all around the world. When he was approached with the offer of joining the Teen Titans, he accepted, if only to further his ambitions. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]