[color=00aeef]"Yes, but they're not me. They're not as fast or good. Plus the engineers get busy, so being the next best thing does not mean I want to fix planes again."[/color] Nyx explained. [color=00aeef]"Also they're not touching my plane. They'll make the balance and stuff off. They don't know how a plane flies, just how it works. They're not touching my plane."[/color] Nyx knew better than to trust people right off the bat. She'd had her stuff stolen enough to know that being friendly just made you an easy target. But he was willing to prove he wasn't a threat, which meant that Nyx had an advantage on him. Nyx didn't feel bad about manipulating people to get what she needed. It was how she got by on Borlix. Then he asked how long she'd been a pilot. Nyx looked at him for a moment, then looked at her watch to check the time. [color=00aeef]"Officially, about an hour. Or since we landed on the ship. I worked on ships my whole life. No wait. Not whole life. Most of it. I grew up on Borlix, if that makes my comments clearer."[/color] Nyx said, her thoughts a bit scattered but glad to talk about something other than becoming friends with Killian. She looked at the rest of the group, as if waiting to see if someone did something, but they were all juts milling around waiting or getting rooms. [color=00aeef]"You're tired. We'll tour then eat then sleep if you want. I'm tired too, but also excited. I haven't slept since before the trip out. Which was... about 24 standard hours ago I think."[/color] [@StoneWolf]