[center][hider=King][center][h3]Name[/h3][/center] [center][color=7FFFD4]Xercas Xion (ZERC-sas Zion)[/color][/center] [center][h3]Alias[/h3][/center] [center]King[/center] [center][h3]Age[/h3][/center] [center]18[/center] [center][h3]Appearance[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/face-painting-14309805.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]Gender[/h3][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][h3]Powers/equipment[/h3][/center] [center]Pyrokinesis: Xercas is able to manipulate fire at his own will. He can generate heat far more than a burning star from a small spark near by.[/center] [center][h3]Weakness[/h3][/center] [center]Xercas' weakness includes, but not limited to, anyone with water, getting enraged when provoked, and being in solitude for far too long.[/center] [center][h3]Personality[/h3][/center] [Center]Xercas Xion is a upbeat, out going and a weird being that feels he's more than life. However, when angered, he will will physically attack a person that may have gotten onto his bad side.[/center] [center][h3]History[/h3][/center] [center]Xercas Xion was born on earth, however his parentage comes from an Intner Dimensional beings that traveled through portals that connects from this reality to the other. Not much is known about these creatures, however, Xercas had moved around from Foster home to foster home, not really sure of where he came from. Sure, he may look human with the pink skin and whatever else the human race looks like, but he knows he's different from the other children. While growing up, Xercas had faced a lot of prejudiced from everyone that he stayed with or had ran into. At the age of fifteen, he ran away from the foster home that threaten to take him to the Anti Superhuman group to have him killed. Thats when he set his foster home on fire, making him scared of himself and how he will endanger others around him. Since then, he's been homeless and doing jobs at different places to make sure that none of the Supporters of the hate group to humiliate him; like those that had been done before.[/center] [center][h3]Other[/h3][/center] [center]While putting up a false smile and say he's alright, he cannot control his powers properly and always thinks that he may hurt someone that he may get close too.[/center][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Serpentine] [center][h3]Name[/h3][/center] [center][color=crimson]Harold Smith[/color][/center] [center][h3]Alias[/h3][/center] [center]Serpentine[/center] [center][h3]Age[/h3][/center] [center]15[/center] [center][h3]Appearance[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/78/53/f6785326c067e34d86de3c127f415803.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]Gender[/h3][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][h3]Powers/equipment[/h3][/center] [center]Serpentine Mimicry: Harold can transform at will to become a snake, which also helps him to communicate with the serpents as well.[/center] [center][Hider=Abilities of Serpentine Mimicry]Body Shedding - The user is capable of shedding their body or skin and emerge with a new body, even after dismemberment. [list] [*]Shedding one's skin takes time to perform in combat. [*]May only be able to shed a certain amount of times. [*]Process may be physically painful. [/list] Camouflage - The user can make their coloration blend with the coloration of their background to avoid optical perception. Some users can affect their attire by means of "static camouflage". [list] [*]Must be able to have similar colors as the location one is at. [*]Users of Enhanced Senses can detect the users. [*]May be limited to visible light. [*]May still cast a shadow. [*]May have to stay still. [/list] Scale Manifestation - User is able to grow scales of varying size which often possess great durability. [list] [*]Scales can be broken through or destroyed with sufficient force. [/list] Enhanced Agility - User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort. [list] [*]Can still experience exhaustion. [*]Over time the joints of the person could become inflamed and arthritic. [*]Does not necessarily mean they can survive falls from great heights or crashes into walls. [/list] Enhanced Smell - Users can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track with nothing but their nose. (Or tongue in this case) [list] [*]May be sensitive to stronger smells or foul odors. [indent] - Both smell and taste work in conjunction with each other so a user may become nauseous after smelling something and tasting it.[/indent] [*]Does not work when someone masks their scent. [*]Does not work on odorless materials. [*]Ability is nullified if the user's nostrils are clogged. [*]Hard to find someone if the user doesn't know their scent firsthand often requiring an object touched by the other person to get their scent. [*]Other scents from an area that has a large amount of people such as a battlefield can make it harder to find a specific scent. [*]Inodorosity nullifies this ability. [/list] Poison Generation - User can generate, create, emit or otherwise produce poison/poisonous substance and somehow inflict the victim. For the sake of clarity: poison, toxin and venom are terms for any substance that injures the health or destroys life when absorbed into the system: poison is the general word, toxin is a poison produced by an organism (plant, fungus, animal); it is especially used in medicine in reference to disease-causing bacterial secretions, venom is especially used of the poisons secreted by certain animals, usually injected by bite or sting. [list] [*]User may be limited for certain poisons. May activate during stress unconsciously and unwillingly. [*]User may not be able to create from surroundings. [*]Can be contained by opponent depending on method. [*]Poison Immunity grants immunity. [/list][/hider][/center] [center][h3]Weakness[/h3][/center] [center]His weaknesses include, but not limited to, the weather, the heat, very cold temperatures, does not do well in winter times and tend to fall asleep whenever he's cold, takes a long time to wake up unless under a heating lamp.[/center] [center][h3]Personality[/h3][/center] [center]While still rather young, Harold can seem like the type that stays away from everyone, but he's more on the line of being by himself more often than not. While being an outcast, he can get pretty friendly with new people and tries to share his hobby of having reptiles, but he gets disappointed when they freak out from seeing so many reptilians in one place, thus making him seem depressed.[/center] [center][h3]History[/h3][/center] [center]Harold cannot remember how he came to earth, but all he remembers is the flames and burning debri around him when he came here; living in the harsh Jungles of East India after he crash landed as an infant. While growing up mostly alone, he was founded by a pair of archaeologist while they were searching for something out in East India. The pair was rather surprised to see that a child like him was living on his own, and among snakes to be exact. They've tried to take him out of the thick brush, but were always attacked by poisonous snakes that gotten near him. He then agreed to go with the people, as long as his [i]Family[/i] gets to come too. When they've left India, he was given the name Harold Smith, not sure what to say about it. It was shortly after they've arrived in Arizona that he liked this climate better than where he was before, and been given home school education, because the Archaeologist where scared that Harold may frighten more children because he was different than the rest. He was, however, inspired by the Justice League, because not that they we're different, but because they made they super community more less hostile.[/center] [center][h3]Other[/h3][/center] Harold currently has three King Corbras, two Mambas, and four non-poisonous corn snakes. He may shed his current skin for a new one, which may take up to four days to complete. [/hider][/center]