[@Eviledd1984] [color=ed1c24]"Could'a fooled me. It's way too early for strange people to be acting suspicious. I don't even know if a 'James' lives here."[/color] The redhead took another slow sip of his coffee to complete his lazy-sounding reply. [color=ed1c24]"...But if I did, I don't know anyone here who would give away information like that so freely to unannounced trespassers." [/color] The male stood up, book in hand and eyes slightly narrowed despite the still-sleepy frown on his face. Leaving the coffee at the table, he calmly made his way to the front desk, searching around once he made his way behind it. [color=ed1c24]"Let's see...today's what day again? I hope they remembered to fix the equipment...It hasn't been that long since I last burnt my cooking."[/color] After another moment of looking around, the male stopped and smiled up at the smoke detector up on the ceiling. [color=ed1c24]"That's a cobweb, isn't it? Don't want spiders messing up the system, so I'll just..." [/color]