[Color=Turquoise][u]Cinera Day 16 - Midday - Lvl 13[/u] [@Zelosse][@pockets] Cinera sighed and plopped down on a nearby bench, giving up hope of finding Delcastle in this mess. [i]It's gotten so busy... More and more players are starting to find their way here.[/i] It really was about time they got moving. After staying near Bull's Run for a few weeks and operating out of the town, the slower players had begun to head here from the Town of Beginnings and set up camp. A lot of the hunting ground near the city was constantly wiped clean, even in the evenings. Their gathering often lead them out further and further into the wilderness, making their trips more straining on their group. Staying in the forest helped, but even then they needed to stay close to a safe zone in case anything happened. They had managed to explore a lot of the forest because of this, and they found many better hunting spots, but better gains didn't make the trips any easier. To be honest, Cinera was glad for the brief break and was ready to move onto a new area with better drops that they didn't have to waste their stamina running miles to attain. Cinera opened the new PM from Delcastle and found herself chuckling, a bit. [i]A picnic spot? I didn't think he was the type to enjoy picnics...[/i] After all, he had been nothing but business when it came to the guild. The only times she had ever seen him slow down was when he was helping her get her act together. Even super-skilled guild leaders needed a break, she supposed. [b]SOUNDS GREAT! I'M ON MY WAY OVER.[/b] She made sure to let him know since she was on the opposite side of town from the inn - it would take only a couple minutes to get there, but she hated keeping others waiting. Delcastle would probably want the guild to stay there tonight, so Cinera wrote a note on her log to pick up the campsite before they checked into their rooms. Then she made her way to the inn, walking calmly through the town. [i]My stamina is still pretty depleted from earlier... I'll have to train even harder to build that up, too.[/i] She didn't realize it, but she had recently become critical of everything she did. Her biggest fear was letting the guild down; if she wasn't strong enough, she wouldn't be able to protect and support everyone the way she wanted to. [i]I won't let my body limit me, like before...[/i] When she got to the inn, Cinera heaved a big sigh and removed her cloak. There were so many people in here, it was pretty warm. Her eyes darted eagerly around until she found Delcastle sitting in the corner. [b]"Hi!"[/b] She waved happily as she ran up to him, only to suddenly notice Mai'lo standing at the table. [i]Oh! I was wondering where he went...[/i] Even at this thought, though, she felt her heart sink a little when she saw him there, too. [i]I wonder why...[/i] [b]"Hey, Mai'lo!"[/b] She said with a broad smile. Although she still felt bad about her poor mental state when they first met, Cinera thought things were going pretty well with her guild mates. They all seemed like very kind and trustworthy people, and they got along very well. The only thing was that she hadn't gotten to know them very well, since they didn't fight together as often, anymore. The monsters were too weak to need group fights anyway, but still... Mai'lo was still a bit of a mystery to her. Having greeted everyone present, Cinera sat down next to Delcastle and gave a bit of a sigh. Man, it felt nice to finally just relax... [b]"Awwh, you ordered without us? Man, you're impatient... But I [i]guess[/i] I can forgive you just this once."[/b] She teased him playfully, laughing a little. It had been awhile since their guild had met. Not everyone was here, but she was sure they would all see each other at some point, tonight. Pulling up a menu, Cinera ordered herself a drink and then closed it once again. [b]"Oh, uhm... I'm sorry I couldn't go hunting with you all earlier. But I really am feeling a lot better!"[/b] She smiled at both of them, nervously. Cinera had never been the best at hiding things, but so far they hadn't seemed to catch on so she felt like she was in the clear. She was so blissfully unaware that she even had a leaf caught in her hair from being thrown, earlier. She could be smart and strong, but sometimes she was just so naive. [b]"Anyway. Tell us about the gorge, Delcastle! I've only heard a little about it around town... Mai'lo, have you heard anything?"[/b] She looked at him, wondering. Any information they could get would be helpful. They've kind of had ears all over the place, so maybe that could come in handy.[/Color] [hr] [Color=Red][u]ScarletRain Day 16 - Midday - Lvl 14[/u] [@Tracyarmav] [@BlackPanther] [b]"AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!"[/b] In a flash, the young girl pushed off the wall of the gorge and flung herself at an enormous beetle - the kind you wouldn't ever see in real life! Her red hair glinted in the sunlight as she smashed into this new enemy, ripping through it like butter with an ace that was twice her size. A laugh escaped from her light pink lips as she landed on the ground where the beetle once was. [b]"Damn right! You better STAY DEAD!"[/b] She took off running as she giggled gleefully, smashing her way easily through more and more beetles as they came her way. This was actually pretty enjoyable, for her. [i]See, granddad...? I'll be just fine out here without you...[/i] Her movements weren't fast, but they were effective, and within just a few minutes she had beat quite a few of them. [b]"Break time!"[/b] Sighing, she jumped up onto the edge of the gorge where there were no monsters and sat, giving herself time to breathe. This had been a busy day for her... She had gotten up early to go hunting, but she ended up running into that old geezer. Just seeing him made her body tingle with rage. [i]I still can't believe he followed me in here. How stupid can you get? Just playing the same games as me isn't gonna make up for it...[/i] A forlorn expression rested on her face for a moment as she gazed out over the gorge. Suddenly, she realized what she was doing and flushed an angry red. [b]Why am I even thinking about him?!?! I bet he's off with his stupid guild doing stupid things! ARRRGH!"[/b] ScarletRain was the username of this young hothead, but she liked to go by the name Scarlet. They had been trapped in this death game for two weeks now, and not once had she joined a guild... yet she was already level 14. Being an avid gamer made things like this so much easier. Normally, Scarlet got along with her grandfather just fine. They both had a mutual silence between them that she had come to love and respect. After all, in reality she was rejected for her unsupressed personality, so she got in less trouble when she just kept her mouth shut. She had thought that her grandfather's silence towards her was his way of saying he understood how difficult it was for her, but apparently that wasn't the case since he felt the need to follow her into her safe haven. She didn't want to 'talk' or 'get to know him'... She just wanted a place where she could belong. Family had been rooted out of that equation long ago. Even still... Scarlet did feel like things were lagging, lately. Her once grand composure of smashing through the threats had slowly turned into nights spent crying alone in her room at the inn. She didn't know why she would cry, but sometimes her chest would feel heavy and she would feel a sort of ache in her stomach. It happened more often, lately... [i]I can't let it get me down! I need to keep moving...[/i] Even though she wasn't quite rested, Scarlet jumped to her feet and jumped back into the gorge, recklessly. Her thoughts were driving her wild. Being a solo player was fine for professionals, but when you're 15 years old? Scarlet would never admit it, but she kind of just wanted her mom.[/Color]