Cecil was fairly ready to get going to see this mayor, but at the same time he was feeling very nervous. He didn’t know how the mayor might feel towards him or whether he would just have the same reaction as everyone else did before they knew, seeing him as someone with metal limbs while being perfectly normal. His eye was rarely questioned, they always saw it as a fashion thing so that was lucky for him. Whoever made him had done a lot to keep him looking like a Muran if that was the case, further questioning what he was supposed to be suited for. Once they had managed to make their way to the mayor’s place it wasn’t out of Cecil’s understanding that the ‘people’ he spotted first were actual Machina. Real Machina, just like him, wandering the garden as if they were fulfilling their life’s purpose and held no other wish to do something else. He felt like he was going to have a panic attack, or at least his equivalent of a panic attack. This was his first encounter of other Machina, yet these ones were simply getting on with their tasks without a simple care, not even looking like they were enjoying their task. Opening his mouth to ask about them he soon frowned and decided upon keeping quiet. They freaked him out a little, as if staring into a reflection of what he could’ve been if he was made by someone else. Trying to keep calm and quiet about everything he let Nymira do her business, remaining as simply a bodyguard like he was told to be. Staring rather blankly out at nothing in particular he frowned at the sight of the Machina that opened the door, staring at them before looking back at the Machina that they just passed. It appeared as if their clothing was related to their job, but then what was his job and why did he have this clothing? He didn’t choose the clothing he wore and yet he managed to keep it in fairly good condition so he never needed anything else. Whether the clothing was part of him or something someone dressed him up in was definitely coming to question now, but maybe that wasn’t what he should be questioning right now when there was so much left on his mind. With only one glance at the other Machina Cecil kept his head down while his eyes searched behind the Machina, only looking up without lifting his head at the strange innards of the building that could be seen passed it. He had never been in a building like this one before, but then again he had only been in a few now so far because of Ethan. This was definitely giving him a weird vibe and he didn’t know what the cause of it was. Not only was the Machina freaking him out but the seriousness of this encounter was starting to get to him too. If something happened and the mayor didn’t want to listen to Nymira then what were they supposed to do? Go back and say it was a lost cause? He didn’t know anything about an encounter like this and it only served to make him feel incredibly nervous. Nymira seemed to know what she was doing, at least. Cecil was just there as decoration so far and while he didn’t mind that he was more concerned with how the situation might go instead. The butler Machina had done nothing else but freak him out and he couldn’t even express words to how he felt about such a thing. There was absolutely nothing to see in that Machina like he had seen in the others, as if everything had been sucked out of it and it really was just an empty shell. What if the others saw him like that, his eyes completely empty without even a glimmer of life in them. Reaching up to his own face in quiet contemplation he gasped when Nymira moved on, following after her only for her and the Machina into the building’s foyer to give an explanation as to why they were here. So there was life in here other than Machina, at least if those Machina could be called ‘life’ at all. Staring at the woman as she told them to wait he gasped when he saw how impatient Nymira had become, her insistence on seeing the mayor now being too great than the mere idea to wait a few minutes. Hurrying on after her he stopped just behind her, flinching when the doors were forced open revealing the mayor inside and the person he must’ve had the previous appointment with. Now this was just rude of Nymira. Cecil wouldn’t had minded waiting a few minutes but this was just embarrassing. Adjusting his bandana he looked away momentarily, trying to make it look like he had nothing to do with this scenario. Even though it was true that he didn’t it certainly didn’t appear as if he didn’t try to stop her. This was not how he wanted to make a first impression with someone of seemingly high importance, even if their body type was strange and probably something to stare at. The other person the mayor seemed to be meeting with didn’t appear to be someone who would be in a house like this, but then again judging by his clothing he had no idea what he could be. He didn’t look like a citizen or one of the authorities. Maybe he was some sort of traveller, but that was probably none of his business. Trying to show little interest in what was being previously discussed he frowned at the mention of his occupation, finding it to sound like something a Magi would probably do. He hadn’t heard of ‘healing’ before, so it must’ve been something mystical like fire and nasty muck monsters summoning. Watching him with curiosity it appeared as if his meeting had been cut short thanks to Nymira, the purpose of him coming here apparently being fulfilled already. Well that was lucky, they really didn’t have to be waiting that long after all. Looking to Nymira quickly he soon gasped when the man approached Nymira, raising his fists as he took her hand and proceeded to press his lips against it. That was oddly gross and very suspicious, but he was the only one who seemed to be making any sort of reaction to it too. Frowning, he slowly lowered his fists and stepped back, looking like he was trying to keep a neutral expression as if desperately trying to imitate the Machina he saw before as if understanding that he was supposed to look like that in the first place. He certainly hoped this would all be over soon, at least before he might freak out over something else that was probably completely innocent.