Shin watched as the girl fell backwards, now having completely gotten herself drenched entirely from head to toe. He blinked when she called him a 'Child of Light' not completely getting what she was saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, miss." he apologized. He picked up her accent, it was unusual, but oddly charming coming from her. Now that he was this close, he couldn't help but notice how cute she was, despite the fact she was hiding one of her eyes. He looked in the direction she was pointing, sure enough, there was an umbrella there. Turning his attention back to her, he used his free hand to point to the house they were in front of, "I live here. I saw you from my window and thought you didn't have an umbrella, so instead of letting you get drenched, I decided to come out and loan you mine. But since you have one already, I guess it was rather pointless." he replied, chuckling. He offered his hand to help her up, "My name is Shin." he told her. Looking at the magazine that had been ruined, he sort of felt bad for the girl, it was his fault she hadn't gotten the chance to read it. He looked back at her, "I'm real sorry about the magazine, I'll buy you a new one if you want, it [i]is[/i] my fault, after all." he offered her. Once introductions were over and she was standing again, Shin motioned to the house, "Before that though, I think you should come inside and get your clothes dried. I'll find something for you to wear while they're drying." he offered. It was here that Shin realized he was still connected to the net, luckily, no one had challenged him yet. He had always been careful not to be connected to the net upon leaving the property, though this time he had completely forgotten, which had left him vulnerable. He quickly disconnected from the net before someone thought him an appetizing target, "S-Sorry, I don't like being connected to the net outside of familiar networks." he said, making up an excuse. He laughed nervously, [i]Why am I acting like an idiot?[/i] he thought, turning and walking to the front door. Opening it, he turned back to her, "Well, are you coming? I'd rather you not get sick." he said, giving her a smile. [@GrafRoy Zeppeli]