[h2]Yukimura Kirika, Somewhat Freaked Out Beastkin[/h2] She didn't exactly get what was going on at this point. The older girl's Japanese was so broken it was hard to understand. When the wolves appeared, Kirika hesitated only slightly before stepping forward. Sure, this was... real now, but if it was like the game she could take them! ... And before she could, the other girl rather violently killing them all. That was... unexpected... and gross and kind of freaky. Kirika stared blanky at the rather gory remains of the wolves, shifting her her feet and clutching her staff. The girl said... something else kind of broken again. "... Er... o-okay..." she said, finally, guessing she meant to go somewhere else that had less enemies. What did that mean exactly? After a few moments, something dawned on Kirika. What if her big sister wanted to find her? Maybe, if the other girl was trying to take her somewhere, it would be somewhere that her big sister could find her more easily! Trusting strangers was bad usually, but this situation was quite a bit different than usual. "[i][u]Habu tu... rouku onee-chan![/u][/i]!" she said, hoping it came across correctly. That would mean that the other girl could help her find a place Fujiko could get to her too! [hr] [h2]Yukimura Fujiko, Still Pretty Angry[/h2] The pink-haired girl reminded her of a few important facts. Chief among them was there was no real way for Kirika to get here on her own. At least, provided this was still like a game, which it... seemed to be if there was some kind of menu you could contact people through just like in the game, and if everyone still had levels. She folded her arms when she heard the bigger guy chuckled, giving him a rather intense glare. Hurting a player who was several times your level be too far off hurting a boss that was several times your level, right...? But she choked back her anger, barely. This wasn't the time for that kind of thing. Not at all. "I'm going then," she said, flatly, rounding towards the door. She didn't exactly know what the big guy was doing now, but if he wanted to come and stopped acting like an absolute ass then maybe it'd be fine. "I showed her those spots, so if she's still there I can find her."