[hider=Kimberly] Name - Kimberly Juno Alias - Voltic Age - 13 Appearance - [url=http://data.whicdn.com/images/64739618/large.jpg]This girl.[/url] Personality - Short-tempered and prideful, Kimberly is your typical tomboy. She is adventurous and daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness. However, she does think and act quickly during times of stress. That being said, Kimberly can be quite friendly with other people, easily striking up conversations with other people. She also displays a strong sense of justice, usually seeing issues as black-and-white. Power/ability - - Electrokinesis: creating and controlling electricity. Simple. - Enhanced physical capabilities, with agility being the main focus. Weakness - - While she can certainly withstand attacks that a normal person her age wouldn't, she isn't much more durable than a regular human. - Her electric attacks can be slightly redirected with metal, as well as blocked with insulators. History - Please see Voltune. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Conner] Name - Conner Flynigann Alias - Synchronize Age - 14 Appearance - [url=http://img.webme.com/pic/c/corpseparty-eineneuepartybeginnt-/yukiteru.jpg]This guy.[/url] Personality - Conner isn't exactly social. He tends to just listen to others talk, although there are times he's willing to speak his mind, particularly with those he is comfortable talking to. However, he is quite intelligent, and will make the effort to learn about anything that seems or is important in some way. Gear - Tuning fork and hammer. Nothing special about them, appearance-wise, but they serve as the items needed for him to activate his powers by continuously striking the tuning fork. Power/ability - - Synchronize: Conner is capable of fusing, or "synchronizing", with another person to create a more powerful being. (See Voltune for one example.) Weakness - He lacks the means to physically fight on par by himself against most other superpowered beings, and his ability is useless without another supperpowered being to synchronize with. He is as soft and squishy as a regular human being. -Conner requires a lot of physical contact with the other person in order to synchronize. A full-on embrace usually suffices. History - Please see Voltune. Notes - None. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Voltune (read this last)] Alias - Voltune Age - Appearance-wise, 19-20. Appearance - [url=http://i.imgur.com/9qWuard.png]This woman.[/url] Personality - Voltune displays a remarkable intelligence, and is not afraid to input her own opinions. Voltune sees herself as the proof of the bond between Kimberly and Conner, and therefore a separate entity from Kimberly and Conner, addressing them by name as well. She treasures bonds and friendship more than anything else, and will do what she can to preserve them. Power/ability - -Electromastery: Voltune possesses power far superior to Kimberly's, able to generate and control stronger electricity than Kimberley's. -Greatly enhanced physical capabilities: Far superior endurance, strength, and speed than an average human, with agility and acrobatics highly emphasized. Weakness - - If Voltune receives an injury, both of them will have the same injury should they de-synchronize. - The two must work together and think as one in order to stay 'synchronized'. If the two are in enough conflict, it will be impossible to form Voltune. Even minor conflicts will weaken Voltune's abilities. History - Kimberly and Conner were neighbors and childhood friends. Kimberly quickly discovered her powers after a uncomfortable and embarrassing event involving a wooly sweater and everyone's hair sticking up. As the two met up afterwards, Conner reveals that he had been instinctively aware of his ability for as long as he could remember, although he had no idea how to use it. Kimberly began practicing her newfound ability in secret, only allowing Conner to see what she was doing. During a session of Kimberly's secret target practice, Norvandell found a tuning fork. Upon picking it up, he suddenly felt an urge to strike it. As he did so, Kimberly found her power being amplified. They began to experiment further, seeing how far powers could be amplified, how it worked, etc. From that day on, they began to have more fun with their experimentation and training. One day, the two were with their parents at a small shop, when a superhuman robber appeared, demanding money and supplies. Everyone within the shop was held hostage, and police quick came to surround the area. However, Kimberly and Conner rose up, using their combined powers to fight back. Unfortunately, even their efforts couldn't defeat the robber, and were held at a stalemate. Then, during another exchange of blows, Katherine was knocked back into Conner, and it was then that Conner "tuned" with Katherine, to create a new being, "Voltune". Voltune then used her powers and quickly ended the event. Since then, the secrets were revealed, and the two were given certain freedoms regarding their powers (although kept at somewhat stricter treatment.) [/hider]