[i]Too close! TOO CLOSE![/i] Cailies heart crawled it's way up into her throat as her stomach dropped through the floor. Her slender frame began to tremble greatly as the guards moved closer to her. Forcing her to squish between them as her arm was thrown out even further. Green eyes darted around the room for any sort of exit she could bolt through. As she frantically looked around the ceiling began to get closer and closer. The smell of burning flesh made her yelp as the guards jerked her back. Diomedes moved himself between his brother and the foreign thief, his blade a slender curve of protection between the two. Cailie began to struggle against the guards to break free. What was only a minor annoyance became full out panic. Her breathing hitched. "Let me go! Let me go!" She cried out trying to jerk herself free. Diomedes glared at his brother. As the younger male began to try and pull the bracelet off of the strange girl. "Brother!" The older male commanded. "This bitch has wounded you. The penalty for such a crime is death!" Diomedes grabbed a fist full of Cailies hair and forced her head back holding the blade up to her throat. The girls body quivering from fear and paranoia that the ceiling was going to crush them all. Tears had started falling from her eyes, more out of panic than the possibility of dying. "I didn't steal it! I just found it and the guy dissapeared into thin air!" She took a large gulp of air, it was getting harder to breathe. "Please let go! I don't believe in gods or any of this magic mumbo jumbo! I don't even know how I got here. But please just [i]let go of me[/i]!" This time she kicked back against Diomedes grip, her head smashing his nose as she pulled her arm free of Amenoten. Blood poured from Diomedes nose. He began muttering profanities as Cailie tried to get up and bolt for the nearest exit. The guards quick to catch her and prevent her from going anywhere. Her poor arms where going to be very sore later, but hyped up on fear and adrenaline the flight response in fight or flight kicked in and she tried to escape. Even if the guards were a lot stronger than she was she wasn't going to stop struggling. Diomedes covered his bloody nose. "Shit, that wench. Brother, she dies tonight for harming a prince of Egypt!" Diomedes grabbed his sword. "As the head general to the Egyptian army, I Seth, will execute this criminal."