[hider=Light] Name: Light Alias: N/A Age: 19 Appearance: Light is a 1.9 meter tall white humanoid figure with cartoonish looking features. Her head is a large spherical shape with no nose, very large black and orange eyes, short blue hair, fin like ears, and a very very skinny neck. She has a noticeable hourglass shape to her with skinny biceps with large forearms and hands with spiked fingers. She wears a white dress with blue trim and a blue tanktop, the dress having an 'M' cut pattern in the front to reveal her legs, which look normal besides the bottom leg ending at a sharp point where her foot should've been. Gender: Female Powers/equipment: [hider=Powers] [list] [*][b]'Cartoon Regeneration'[/b]: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, including psionic and supernatural injuries, although supernatural injuries take a variable amount of time to regenerate from. When Light regenerates, she 'pops' back to normal, or normal with bandages or other things showing where she was injured last. Light has individual control over limbs if she is dismembered. Light still feels pain from any injury she is hit by, and can be knocked out if enough damage is taken. [*][b]'Cartoon Physics'[/b]: Due to her unbound nature, physics affect Light differently than normal, with both good and bad effects. [list] [*]Light's body 'stretches' when she experiences moments of rapid acceleration. [*]If Light walks off a high point, such as a cliff, but is unaware that she is walking off of an edge, she will continue to walk on air as if it was ground. When she realizes she is no longer on solid ground, she will fall like normal. [*]While falling, Light can stop when approaching the ground to readjust where she will land, before continuing to fall at the rate she was falling before she stopped. [*]Injuries affect her differently than normal. For example, being caught up in an explosive causes her to appear ash covered before possibly breaking apart into a pile of ash, or being crushed causing her to become a pancake, ext... [*]Light can't bleed or have her blood removed. [*]If Light is hit by a sharp object or a hot object on her backside, she'll be propelled away from the object, usually on fire if it was a hot object. [*]Light has trouble dealing with being tied up, as for some reason her super strength does not work when she is bound. And if her hands are bound, she can't use Pocket Space or Portable Hole. [*]For some reason, her eyeballs are far, far more durable than the rest of her body. [*]Light will ignore rules about enchanted or encoded objects if she is unaware of said rules. Locked objects like doors or chests are the exception. [*]Among other nuances I might have forgotten. [/list] [*][b]Super Strength[/b]: Light exhibits a variable amount of Super Strength. While its been shown she can pick up a house without any encumbrance, the exact limits of her strength aren't known. It has been shown though that if she is picking up an extremely heavy object and is reminded of how heavy said object actually is, or is enlightened to how heavy it actually is, she'll drop it. This effect carries over to enchanted weapons as well, IE, she can pick up objects that others normally can't if she is unaware that she is allowed to pick them up, and the object will affect her like normal when this is pointed out and shown. [*][b]Pocket Space[/b]: Light can pull objects out of a space inside her dress called Pocket Space. These objects are random in nature, although very obscure context sensitive items are likely. Weapons are rare. Light can only pull a few objects every couple of minutes. The cooldown on this ability is reduced if Light picks up the items she pulled out and puts them back. Light can also store 'real' objects in this pocket space equal to twice her mass at the time of storing, and objects can't exceed more than 4x her mass in total while stored in this space, although if she grows and thus has more mass and stores objects, then shrinks, she can go over her 4x mass cap. [*][b]Portable Hole[/b]: Light can pull a malleable black circle looking wormhole from her pocket space. Upon placing and jumping into it, Light will pop out of a newly created hole that was in her line of sight or is an area that is incredibly safe that she can remember. Light can place the holes anywhere, but the exit hole has to be on a solid surface or there will be a delay before Light exits it, giving the opponent a good amount of time to react. Only Light can go through these holes. [*][b]Reality Siphon[/b]: Light siphons the reality and energy from whatever she touches, causing the object to be unable to generate or receive energy and slowly lose its 'reality' over time, eventually fading from reality altogether. (Takes quite a bit of time.) When said object is no longer touching Light, it regains its reality rapidly and can generate energy again. Energy and Magic lose their reality extremely quickly. this power is always on and Light can't change its intensity. Exuberantly large objects are unaffected. Due to this power, Ballistics and Energy weapons have their power drastically reduced while Light is holding them. [*][b]"You're gonna have a bad time."[/b]: Light actively warns people using this line if they start to really make her mad, with accompanying ominous lighting and physics. Continuing to make her even more mad means that Light will eventually start to fight with extreme levels of tactical thinking and fighting prowess, while not being above using cheap or unfair tactics and will actively attempt to use such tactics if they are the most effective on hand.. This way of fighting often quickly leads to the death of her opponent. You can tell when she is giving someone a bad time, as she will put on sunglasses beforehand. [/list] [/hider] Weakness: [list] [*]Takes bonus damage from Impact, Fire, and Ice type attacks, and Silver based weaponry. [*]Being tied up or otherwise restrained nullifies her super strength/pocket space/portable hole abilities. Meaning she will need to think of a way out, or need to get rescued. [*]While very difficult to knock off balance, Light isn't very fast and has only moderate agility. [*]Can't use Ballistics or Energy based weapons without said weapon having its damage potential massively nerfed. Bombs only have a major reduction in blast radius but as still as powerful as normal. [*]Electronics react negatively to Reality Siphon. [*]Light's personality makes her easy to manipulate if she doesn't know the person beforehand. [*]Light tends to 'play' with her opponents instead of fight them when she wants to fight. When forced to fight she shows some reasonable competence but still plays with them. Just don't make her wanna give you a bad time, or your gonna have a bad time. [/list] Personality: Light is intelligent, fun loving, and laid back. She is more likely to try to make friends with people than she is to fight them, which makes her come off as lazy at times. This makes it fairly easy for her to be caught in traps as she isn't careful, fully aware of her powers. Since she views the world as one big game, she has a poorer grasp on consequences than most. She values freedom highly and gets angry very quickly if she sees someone taking freedom away from someone. History: Coming from the Void, Light quickly integrated herself with the Justice League when she figured out it would be more fun to be a hero than a villain, as it offered her more freedom and people who would be more interested in being her friend than an uncomfortable ally. Being assigned to the Teen Titans after the disappearance of the trio (None of which she had met) Light is ready to fight for the freedom of the innocent, or whatever brings her enjoyment mostly. Other: She calls herself a 'toon' or 'cartoon', but shes actually a Void Demon. She realizes her powerset fits into the fun loving tropes of 'toons' and figures its easier for people to understand that than what a Void Demon is and how they're much different from normal demons. Plus people tend to react negatively to demons, and have no say one way or the other for toons. Also if you wanna use her for slapstick in your post, feel free. [/hider]