Had a dream with the most epic, deliciously OP characters (although guess it's not OP if there are others to match their power, more like god-tier). A character was able to teleport onto a plane in the high atmosphere or maybe space and charge up a shield in an unknown amount of time (probably a minute or so) that blocked against a magically created black hole colliding into it. She was in the center of the black hole, screaming all super saiyan like and pushing back against the pressure, and after around 30 seconds she overcame it and in a bright explosion of epicness, all of the energy converted into mass large enough to create a moon (yeah, and if you know the science of it, converting energy to mass takes an insane amount of energy to even create a little). That's when the dream ended. We can assume she would have raised the moon a safe distance if it was still too close to the planet. I don't know of any characters who could survive in the center of a black hole so that basically would make her shield indestructable if that can't beat her. Unless they had an even bigger one wore her down for longer, then she could have lost because that was her limit.