[b][i][color=f9ad81]Hitomi Sora[/color][/i][/b] Before Sora got a chance to reply to Jin, a bunch of men in suits ran through the halls and yelled at them. [color=f9ad81][i]Crap! I forgot they'd do this...[/i][/color] Glancing once at Jin, Sora turned and left before one of the suits had to force them to leave. As they got to the Auditorium Sora walked calmly over to the section of seats reserved for the Class Noir students, sitting directly behind Jin and a girl they didn't recognise as they got there. [color=f9ad81]"I had forgotten that this assembly [i]was[/i] mandatory. What a pain, couldn't they just give everyone the speech in a pamphlet?"[/color] They whispered to no one in particular as other Noir students walked in.