[@Iatos]Whole point of this thread was to get feedback from other DM's/GM's on the system, so they could tell me what else needs to be in the doc that I just have in my head, and generally how it handles compared to "professionally published" RPG systems. Plus I'll be playing it myself, so I'd rather not have some inane bull**it be brought up from something insignificant someone did or didn't do to make them drop dead, or dropping a massive disaster or monster on the party that they couldn't possibly win. That's just poor storytelling. I mean, personally, I'm fine with my character doing poorly, being weak, or the Digimon being defeated, or the human somewhat endangered, but I doubt a whole group, in a situation about collaborative story telling and adventure, myself included, would enjoy having their character(s) die for no better reason than the DM felt like it. Like, I might understand if a friend said they had an idea for a hard campaign, and the other friends are okay with it because they know into what they'd be getting, but for people who have essentially just met, not cool. Unless you want to start appearing like a backstabber to a portion of a roleplaying community. Because I'm sure [i]that's[/i] a reputation you want. (Because unless you make your own interest check and clearly state that there's a 90% chance a character will die, it could very well look that way.) Sorry if that's a bit harsh but there's truth to it. [@Aurrorian] I was under the impression you wouldn't be taking part. Has that changed?