[@Wraithblade6] Bug spun around as he heard the first scream, Ozzy being caught off guard by Mithias's surprise attack. He fumbled, barely managing to stop the blade from totally cleaving though him with by summoning a sword of his own, but he was totally defenseless against the other attack. It seemed as though Ozzy would fall, once and for all. Mithias roared, as did Ozzy, and Bug, Bug letting out a cry of sadness, fear, and anger, as he rushed the vampire. Ozzy, a shrill shriek, fearing for his very existance. Mithias, shrieking, closing in for the kill...However, his blade is topped by a hand, clad in metal clasping over it, not there one moment, there the next. "....Mithias...Get away...from...my...son..." Drac says, looking over at the vampire, his entire form shrouded in darkness. Ozzy and Bug freeze, in both shock, and awe, of what's happened. "Dad?!" They both say, surprised.