[@supertinyking] The last thing anyone would ever expect happened. Traveling through untold ages, time and space, the demigod himself interceded to save his adopted child's life. Mithias was flabbergasted. He stared at Drac wide eyed and wordless and staggered back, eventually just letting himself collapse onto his knees in the presence of the three. Drac was truly, insanely powerful, and even stronger than that was his love for his own. Mithias had never had a decent father in his life, and only recently had his subconscious latched on to Bob, of all beings. He just couldn't compete with this, not with this kind of love. He stuttered. He couldn't even say Drac's name. At least now, Bug and Ozzy would give up on trying to hunt down Bob, but... there was something else this event implied that Mithias simply had to know. "You've... come from the future? ... Did you kill him?" It wasn't only Bob's possible destruction that upset Mithias, but this whole saga, really. "Did you kill me as well?" He leaned forward, desperate to know.