A rush of wind, a streak of white, and a slightly surprised [color=F19CBB]"Wha-?"[/color] was the entirety of Ayumu's initial reaction to the very immediate and very animated answer of Yuki Volkov. He hadn't even managed to complete his statement before his fair-haired underclassman sprung into action. He looked down at Yuki, a smile playing at his lips. [color=F19CBB]"Well I'm glad to see at least one person likes keeping me close,"[/color] he joked, [color=F19CBB]"But there's no need to cling to me like that, Yuki-chan. It's not like I'm going anywhere... y'know, except the shopping center, and, probably, home. Speaking of!"[/color] He raised his hand, pointer finger extended like he'd just concocted a brilliant idea, and craned his body to address the remaining members of the group. [color=F19CBB]"Offers still stands."[/color] [color=lime] "If it's cool with you, mind if I join ya?"[/color] First up to bat was a young blonde dude, only a bit shorter than Ayumu himself, but not someone he was at all too familiar with. That was fine though; he didn't seem like a bad guy at any rate. The way he beared himself was rather 'un-thuggish', so to speak, and the confident, casual way of address, in a way, reminded Ayumu a bit of himself...if a bit less on the 'friendly reliable senpai' side and more on the 'super casual convenience store clerk' side of things. Or maybe 'used car salesman' would be more adequate; Ayumu would have to wait and see. [color=F19CBB]"Mmm, well it was an open invitation,"[/color] he said, breezy toned and not at all too concerned about much of anything, [color=F19CBB]"As long as we're just talking about shopping, I don't see the harm in it."[/color] He grinned, [color=F19CBB]"Plus I'm always in the market for new friends. Keeps things exciting."[/color] [color=steelblue]"I'll tag along, I'm headed the same way"[/color] And that made members four for this group of adventurers on their journey to spend money and go camping. Perhaps now they could star as the main characters of a cooperative first person shooter game; they even had the gender ratio right. Grinning, Ayumu directed a nod of affirmation towards the iaidoka, [color=F19CBB]"Hehe, now it's really a party isn't it?"[/color] Against his better judgement, he threw his arm around his fellow upperclassman, [color=F19CBB]"Always glad to have you along, my good man."[/color] He spoke those words with no hint of irony, even if popular opinion leaned more towards the negative as a result of the delinquent swordsman's less scrupulous repute. Fortunately for Hisaki, Ayumu detached himself soon after speaking to him. [color=F19CBB]"Anyway, that seems to be everyone who's coming,"[/color] Ayumu remarked, [color=F19CBB]"So let's make like trees, and... get out of here since we're burning daylight and I need to head home and finish up my weekend cleaning."[/color] With that command given, Ayumu strode out the door and down the stairs, but, after a few moments, leaned back through the rooftop doorway. [color=F19CBB]"Ah. I forgot. See you 'round, [i]boss[/i],"[/color] he said, faux-saluting the newly christened Vongola 13th candidate before resuming his jaunt. [hr] With the discerning eyes of an experienced instructor, the Storm Arcobaleno observed the events occurring atop the school rooftop. Before him were burgeoning seeds of youth, each brimming with potential. Though he'd appeared along with the fox-tailed woman to offer these individuals their roles, and took on the primary speaking role on top of that, he couldn't take too much credit for the assembly of this roster. [color=red]"You chose well, Shiso,"[/color] he complimented, his usual calm smile curving just a little bit more. He chuckled, [color=red]"Though as a veteran tutor, I guess that's to be expected."[/color] As the Guardians assembled into their groups - two groups with the de-facto leaders being the two individuals whom he had seen coming from a mile away - Fon took note of the outlier who hadn't chose to join up with any of the existing parties, but rather opted to make her way towards her two tutors. Yet considering her station, Fon found it rather fitting. [color=red]"Hello Kanno-san,"[/color] he greeted, hopping off Shiso's shoulder to address Sachiko with a polite bow, [color=red]"Is there something wrong?"[/color] [color=662d91]"Instructors I do have a quick question I would like to inquire about relocating my sister to a better location so she could get the treatment she needs."[/color] Fon regarded the young girl before him with a thoughtful look. The issue regarding Sakuya Kanno was something that had come up in previous discussions, so it was only right to tell her the resulting decision. [color=red]"We've made the arrangements to transfer your sister to proper medical care. Under protection of the Vongola of course,"[/color] he answered, expression turning a bit more solemn, [color=red]"Unfortunately, we haven't managed to do much more than get her into Namimori General considering everything that's happening overseas and the fact that you and the others aren't yet full Guardians. But you shouldn't have to worry about it; we'll do our best to make sure she's okay."[/color] He gave a reassuring smile. [color=red]"Now go on. Wouldn't want you to miss out on getting to know your comrades better."[/color]