[h1]Drosil Maeneld[/h1] Drosil frowned as the girl yelled at him, held tilted in slight confusion at her comment. As she walked passed, his eyes would follow as she went to strangle her companion, and while most would look at this scene with either shock, confusion, or worry, Drosil just chuckled as he found it most amusing. Turning to Cyril as the man approached, he gave a slight inclination of his head to address the man. "Seems like you've picked up some interesting new companions since we last met. Are those two lovers, by any chance, as they seem to be rather close. That or they have the most extreme case of a love/hate relationship that I've ever seen. The girl especially seems to be rather spirited, if ignorant in the department of Entomology." He ran a hand through his black and white hair, taking a moment to let his eyes gaze around the village, holding his gaze on each person for a moment before moving onto the next, though his gaze held on Lora noticeably longer than the rest, the curiosity fairly clear in his eyes. It was like the look of a perverse man stripping a woman bear in his mind, except much more penetrating, as if he was mentally dissecting her piece by piece. Once his eye turned away from her, he'd turn his attention back to the Wanderer, giving him a similar look before finally addressing Cyril's question, the smile on his face making it seem like he was purposefully taking his time to answer the Prince. "As for my presence here, it's not really that surprising. Shadar and I have a mental link of sorts, and he let me know that he wanted to return home and relax after the long walk. Also, though this is pure conjecture, but I believed he was annoyed by what he told me to be, and do note that these are his words and not mine, 'Such a sickeningly sweet display of puppy love from the wolf-eared girl that I'd rather dunk my head in a bucket of spiders than have to deal with that nonsense all the way to Gurata.' As for calling off Sir Mauls, that'd be like telling the wolf girl over their to back off if someone were to liken her to the animal whose features she shares, if not more so because the person got them incredibly wrong. You seem to think that I have completely control of Sir Mauls, but he's a very stubborn individual and holds a mean grudge. I'll do my best to keep him in line, and can promise that he won't kill or maim the girl . . . [sub][sub][sub]hopefully[/sub][/sub][/sub]." Of course Drosil was lying through his teeth about the teleport spell(though if he really had one, that'd be amazing beyond words, the only thing topping it would be a spell that enabled sustained flight), having no such link with his brother and making pure conjecture from want he knew of his brother and the memories he could gleam from his time with the group. However, considering Shadar's . . . [i]rough[/i] personality and cynical view on life, he didn't think it'd be that much of a stretch to believe he'd rather not be around such a thing. Turning to point towards the woman who he knew to be Joy(as well as sending her a look of 'Can we talk later'), he continued lying to the Prince's face. smiling all the way. He was used to lying to Nobility, and even if he felt bad about doing it this time, it was something that he felt was entirely necessary. The less people knew the secret, the better. "You can even ask her about it, as she was witness to me casting the spell once I kind of, um, tired myself out at the raided village. It's one of the ancient magics I've uncovered in my studies of the many magical ruins in Jasi, and has proven very useful. Unfortunately, it only works by switching the position of two people, so I can't bring Shadar here without sending myself back to where ever he is at that moment." Drosil gave another small inclination of his head to Cyril, before turning to look at the shorter man who approached. As their eyes met, Drosil instantly knew he had met a kindred spirit, a man who had the burning passion to learn all he could about the world and more. Cade's question to Drosil did little to dissuade this notion from the mage's head, as he snapped his fingers to have Sir Mauls scuttle over, lowering his head to show a large rune on his carapace, the color being similar enough to the material it was placed on that'd it'd be hard to spot without looking. Spreading from this one rune were lines of smaller runes running down the length of the creatures back. "Normally yes, but since I would never wish to leave my best friend behind, I have place upon him a spell that keeps his body temperature stable so that he can traverse areas of cold with me. Unfortunately, areas of deep snow will forever be a problem for Sir Mauls, so when we actually arrive in Gurata, I'll have to embark on the tedious process of fitting each of his legs with a special magical item I had made for him that will evenly distribute his weight amongst the snow, and thus keep him from sinking into the freezing mire. Unfortunately, [i]somebody[/i] doesn't appreciate the large amounts of money, time, and effort that I went through to have these made, including having to stop two assassination attempts on the man's life since he apparently ticked off some noble by sleeping with their daughter and impregnating her, and is constantly trying to take them off and hide them." The later half of his speech was not so subtly directed at Sir Mauls, who made a quick series of clacks and hisses as he stood up on his hind legs, obviously annoyed and somewhat offended by the accusation. "Yes, it was two, I remember. The first one tried to poison him, the other tried to stab him!" More clacks and hisses. "I don't care how uncomfortable they are, you're need to wear them!" Dismissive clicking. "YES YOU DO!!!! You remember the last time we did things your way? You were stuck in the snow for to days before I was able to convince a nearby village to help me get you out, and how did you repay that kindness? Hmmmmm? I'll tell you how, YOU DECIDED TO BITE THEIR CHEIFTAN'S LEG!!!!" More dismissive clicking, followed by what could only be described as the the Deathcrawler equivalent of a defiant sigh. Drosil threw his hands up with a frustrated yell, before he took his frustrations out on a near by rock, giving it a nice and solid kick. . . only to hiss and curse his foolishness and Sir Mauls' stubborn idiocy as he was reminded that rocks were very hard things, and it was not recommendable to kick them. Sir Mauls' chuckles didn't help Drosil's irritation either. "Ungrateful little . . . Ugh, why do I put up with you?" Sir Mauls' gave it's best rendition of a shrug, before it decided to go back to it's previous prerogative, glaring a hole in the back of Chikako's head and cursing out the ignorant shedevil in a language only one other person could understand. And they didn't approve of their . . . colorful word choices. "Sir Mauls', where did you learn such vocabulary?!?!? Your pincers have no business going anywhere that place! Really, that kind of language is completely uncalled for and it makes you see childish and immature, if not rather . . . creative in how you graphically describe someone's slow, agonizing death. But still, you should channel that creativity into something productive like . . . like . . . uh. . . ." Drosil, now mostly recovered from his bout with the rock, looked to the others for some kind of idea, as he currently couldn't think of many things a giant Centipede could with it's creativity that could be labelled productive. The lack of hands or real vocal cords really limited Sir Mauls' options.