Name: Samantha Carnegie, sometimes known as "Gearhead" or "Maiden Of Steel" Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: Female Height: 5'3" Weight: 110.5 lbs Class: Steel Factory Mechanic Personality: Cheerful, dedicated, hard-working Kingdom of Origins: Earth, Industrial Era Appearance/Clothing: [img][/img] Bio: Samantha Carnegie, or "Gear head", hails from Earth in the Industrial Era. She was a Steel Factory Mechanic, and worked very hard, from opening hours, to way beyond closing. She was paid 5$ per HOUR, due to her undying loyalty and work. She was given the nicknames "Gear-head" and "Maiden of Steel" by her fellow workers because of her endurance and determination. She's also known to make Steampunk equipment. From weapons to constructs, she's a master engineer. Weapon of Choice: Wrench, or any Steampunk weapon. Skills:Sense faulty machinery. Strengths: Her endurance Weakness:Trusting nature, overall kindness Fears: Failure at her work. Allies: Steel Factory Workers/bosses Family: The factory she grew up in. Items/Supplies: Welding Goggles, Industrial-grade Wrench Likes: Fixing machines, potatoes. Dislikes: Having nothing to fix. Other Info: She can drown out the noises of machines, until they make a sound they're not suppose to make. She also has a knack for building powerful Steampunk Golems