Substantially more cheerful after seeing Shaso͞on's obvious interest with the plant she left for him, Reena listened to Galvus' story with great interest, taking a seat on a crate as he regaled how he was forced onto the team. A well-known criminal, notable enough to be given a death sentence before the Committee swept in and saved the day? She had set up an entire drug smuggling operation and even then the judges balked at the idea of capital punishment. This Zaetherian must have some truly entertaining stories to tell. [color=9e0b0f]"Drug smuggling, eh? I was caught at the other end of the chain,"[/color] Reena responded with a barely restrained chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]"I was a manufacturer for the Clan before my imbecile of a brother broke the wave and brought down the whole operation. Almost died when they assaulted my compound, but when I came around I decided that I wanted, that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison, so I volunteered for the Marauders."[/color] Reena internally scolded herself for almost breaking form and gushing about her rekindled interest in the sciences. He doesn't need to be bored to death about how exciting you find the metabolic functions of fauna in different balances of oxygenation, for Malunista's sake. [color=9e0b0f]"For the record, that one is Tymea L’cint, the Marauder's science officer, depending on who you ask,"[/color] Reena pointed out, gesturing at the departing figure in the lab coat. [color=9e0b0f]"And the guy with the plant was Enok Shaso͞on. One of our 'aggressive negotiators', so to say."[/color] [hider=Because all the cool kids are doing it.] [b]breaking the wave:[/b] Sorlas idiom meaning "to reveal the truth prematurely". Essentially the Sorlas equivalent of 'to spill the beans'. [b]Malunista:[/b] Goddess of the Great Sea, the chief deity in Sorlas mythology. [/hider]