[@Simple Unicycle] Mettaton did a sigh of relief then said, [color=ec008c]"Her name is Kim. Kim Verandine."[/color] She bent down to the child then said in a soft voice, [color=ec008c]"Go ahead, darling. I'll check in as many times as I possibly could if you want me to."[/color] Kim blinked a few times at the Mettaton, hugged her with the arm that held her hand before, then went over to Papyrus. Mettaton smiled then stood upright explaining, [color=ec008c]"Try to keep Kim active. Maybe do a few puzzles together, or train using those bones of yours. She will always talk when she's hungry or wants entertainment, but she's very quiet, so pay attention. When Kim isn't asking for anything then either put her to bed or hand her over to your brother."[/color] The robot remembered the child was still holding her ax, quickly telling the skeleton before she left, [color=ec008c]"One last [i]very[/i] important thing. When you're 'bone training' with her, you don't have to go easy. She has that..."[/color] Mettaton pointed to the child's weapon, hoping she won't actually use it on the brothers. [color=ec008c]"Well, I'm off now! Ta-ta!"[/color] Mettaton exclaimed, turning around and waving goodbye before she quickly walked off. Kim turned back at the skeleton then asked in a low tone, [color=0072bc]"Are you and TonTon dating? Also, you're the one that makes spaghetti, right? I'm hungry, and I have a taste for it."[/color] Seconds later a loud growl came from the child's stomach, making her pat her stomach with her empty hand.