Despite Chara's protests, Asriel kept trying to help. Chara knew that they could die; that had been the point of climbing the mountain, even though they didn't like thinking of it in those terms. They didn't expect eating candy to help much, but they took Asriel's offer and ate the chocolate bar anyway. The moment they swallowed the food, Chara felt healthier and more invigorated. Their injuries seemed to be healing on their own. [color=ed1c24]"Wow,"[/color] Chara gasped. [color=ed1c24]"How did you [i]do[/i] that?"[/color] Although they weren't fully healed, they were no longer on the brink of death either. Chara looked at Asriel with an expression resembling awe. They were getting the feeling that whatever they thought they knew about the world didn't apply here, where there were magical healing chocolate bars and non-human beings like Asriel.