Robert wondered if eating this god awful combination of food was going to be worth it, it didn't taste too bad at first but the aftertaste was like he just drank cardboard flavored juice. But hearing Marian laugh and seeing her so happy, it was absolutely worth it. He would do literally anything to hear that woman laugh. It was music to his ears. The Yankees made another great play and Robert leaped out of his seat, giving a huge cheer and loud whistle as the catch was made they quickly made a throw to third base, getting another man out. After the celebrating was done, the two of them took a seat, and he once again stole a glance towards her. God she was beautiful! When she answered Truth, he gave an approving nod and glance around the stadium. "Good choice. I still have to think about my revenge" Robert said with a mischievous grin. He leaned back in his chair, and gave a casual nod down the stands, towards where the Governor was. "What do you think of Governor Lyon?" He asked, looking over a her. "He seemed to try and be buddies with you, and he does NOT look like a sports type of guy." Robert said with a laugh, glancing back at New York's most powerful man... He was curious to see if she had anything bad to talk about the man. As his days of being Robin Hood, he knew he was definitely a piece of work. He was basically the mastermind behind it all. He was the man who got a little bit of share of every corrupt business, and did really nothing for his citizens. He hid everything behind a smile, empty promises, and "fundraisers". Robert Locksley and Robin Hood were not a fan of him... And one day, he will take him down. One way or another.