Kasari glanced over at the assumed Sith, listening to him disrespect Eevy, as well as the Jedi order, though it did not get a rise out of her, unlike Eevy, who she could feel through the force, starting to get frustrated. [color=aba000]“You know what-”[/color] Eevy started before Kasari raised her hand up in front her, both wanting her to relax as well as not get herself into further trouble. [color=6ecff6]“Unlike the Sith, the Jedi forgive those that have done wrong,”[/color] She glanced over at Eevy and then back at Orias, [color=6ecff6]“My former student is a good Jedi and we all make mistakes, whilst you could have been approached in a more diplomatic manner, you weren't harmed by her, so a strict punishment does not seem necessary.”[/color] She finished as the ship shuttle finally touched down to the surface. Eevy was glad to see the man leave, though she'd be lying if she wasn't hoping he'd do something to mess up before he left the system, giving her a reason to capture him again. Though when he exited and collected his things, she was a little surprised at his politeness towards the guard, whilst some things made her think he was Sith, the more she reflected on what he had said and done during the short interrogation as well as his action just now, perhaps he wasn't Sith after all. She might have to look into what a gray Jedi was after the meeting with the Jedi Council, though she hoped that went well, she knew from old records she read that different eras of Councils were either strict or lenient with wrongs that a Jedi did, she put her faith in the force that it was the latter, perhaps only getting a slap on the wrist. [color=aba000]“Master, I have a question,”[/color] She spoke as they began walking towards the Jedi temple, [color=aba000]“Master Cluyr had called that man a Gray Jedi, what exactly is that?”[/color] She spoke with a quizzical infliction. [color=6ecff6]“Well they are ones who use both the light and dark sides of the force whilst not being part of the Jedi or the Sith,” She responded and then added, “I take it you are thinking about today's events?”[/color] Eevy nodded,[color=aba000] “Yes, when he bowed to that guard and well, him showing you more respect than me. Normally at least from the one we encountered and the others I read about, they're rude and try killing Jedi whenever possible. However not with him, he seemed...different the more I think about it now. Plus I didn't think there was anything other than the light or dark side of the force, at least that's what it always seemed like anyways.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“That line that some have walked in the past can be dangerous, whilst they may not serve the Sith, they don't serve the Jedi and that makes them dangerous. They tap into the dark side as well as the light and something could influence them to where they only use dark side of the force and become an enemy to us.”[/color] Eevy knew that the dark side had its own techniques that were sometimes beneficial though the execution of them at times could be harsh, still her interests were peaked now,[color=aba000] “Master, couldn't some of the Sith teachings be taught without falling to the dark side? You and the other masters have stated there are beneficial techniques the Sith use,”[/color] She spoke a little more chipper than before. [color=6ecff6]“Yes, but we tell all the Padawans that when they are being taught so they are informed, so they don't fall to the dark side by temptations of such a thing. You know that and I hope you're not planning on trying to learn those, you're an upstanding Jedi, little rough around the edges still, but a fine Jedi nonetheless,”[/color] She smirked at Eevy a little. Eevy smirked back and shook her head, “I know Master, I wasn't planning on doing any thing of the such, just that the idea of being able to use some of those abilities, it could help at times,” She spoke, her smirk eventually fadding a little as she transitioned to her next train of thought. [color=aba000]“...I know I messed up today, but I'll be better. I want to someday sit on the seat with the Council members and be a Master as well, be able to pass on wisdom like all the great Jedi before me.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Well then, you need to be more patient in the future, alright?”[/color] Kasari knew that Eevy had wanted to discuss the situation that happened further and since they weren't in any rush to be anywhere until tomorrow until tomorrow, a further discuss could be had. [color=aba000]“I will, again, I'm sorry about today.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Don't worry about it Eevy and don't worry about tomorrow, it won't do you any good to be worked up about it.”[/color] Eevy knew her master was right, the council's decision would be made and there was no sense in her panicking over what she couldn't control. When she and Kasari arrived, they went to their respective rooms and went to sleep, a new day quickly arriving and one that would hopefully be better than the previous one. Kasari had met Eevy outside her room and then they both began walking towards the Council chambers. [color=6ecff6]“You ready for this?”[/color] Kasari asked, a little concerned. Eevy nodded, [color=aba000]“As I'll ever be, though I doubt you have much to worry about.”[/color] She joked slightly, trying to calm herself. Kasari could sense Eevy was nervous and then used the force, sending a calming feeling through to relax her some, though she understood Eevy's worry. She was slightly worried herself, but would just try her best to address the Council. They eventually made it to the Council chambers and when they entered, saw the other two Jedi having already arrived a few minutes before them, [color=6ecff6]“Well, time to see what they have to say,” [/color] Kasari thought to herself and Eevy as well as the other two Jedi waited to be addressed.