After the Master was asleep the Doctor headed out of the room to his own bedroom. Normally the Doctor didn't need to sleep much but with all of the alcohol swimming through his body the Time Lord was feeling rather tired. Removing his trench coat he tossed it aside as well as his suit jacket, his sonic screwdriver falling out of the pocket as well as a few other items and scattered onto the carpeted floor. Loosening his tie and sliding out of his oxford shirt the Doctor kicked off his shoes and collapsed on the bed. In that instant sleep came to the man, his body reverting back to allowing the effects of the alcohol to finally take place. Sure enough, by morning the Doctor was soaked in cold sweat, his mouth felt pasty and in an instant the man was on his feet and bolting to his bathroom where hugged the toilet for nearly twenty minutes just regurgitating everything he'd had the day before. With a groan, wiping his mouth with a hanging towel the Time Lord collapsed back onto the floor as he laid there, his entire world at that moment spinning as he groaned and held his head. There was a flash of light as the door to the Doctor's bathroom opened "Doctor without a shirt on, laying on the floor… oh that's delicious.." Jack chuckled as he neared "It's a shame you look pale though, Doc" he joked and helped the Time Lord to his feet "So… do you have anything alien to give you relief from a hang over?" he questioned helping the man to the sweat soaked but instead sat the doctor down on a chair and getting the case of vials from the Time Lord's closet. The Doctor searched through the case and pulled out two vials of identical liquid and downed one. Sitting there in the chair in silence, the other vial resting in his hand as he waited for the medicine to do its work. Maybe ten minutes of silence, Jack leaving to get a light breakfast started for the two Time Lords. The Doctor's hearts had picked up, sliding in sync with each other finally, color returning his to face and strength building. After a shower, a change of clothes, the Time Lord slid on his brown pinstriped suit jacket and tucked the vial and his sonic screwdriver into the pocket and headed out toward the Master's bedroom. Not to his surprise the Master was in the bathroom "You look horrible" the Time Lord now feeling seventy percent better moved close to the hungover Master and knelt down "I've got this that should help" depends on how well it'll help.. for each being its different. not sure how well it'll work but it will take away the sick feeling" uncapping the vial he moved close and helped the Master with the liquid before sliding his arms around the man helping him up and into the bedroom. "Last night was definitely something, eh?" he smiled to the Master and reached out brushing his fingers comfortingly through the man's brown hair. "Oh Master…" the Doctor's brown eyes lowered to the man as he gave him a smile