[quote=@Sigma] Probably crazy for doing this, but I do feel a bit more confident taking on another rp, so I think I'll be joining this :) So with that done. [@Flagg] I have a question, how do you feel about my faction(another city-state) making use of a small army of ancient crystal-powered robots? They would be tough, but not unstoppable, and the crystals(my city's possible major export) that give them life would be quite exposed, so a good shot, swing or stab can take one down in the instant. [hider=Robot in question] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/107/1600x1200_18503_Rift_UV_315_3d_steampunk_robot_mech_game_art_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider] If it seems way too out there, no problem, I'll think of something else :) [/quote] I would say- a small army? No. A faction with crystal-things that's [i]working on[/i] backwards engineering [i]a[/i] robot-thing based on archeo-tech recovery? That would work. [quote=@Raptorman] That's unfortunate, not a ton of space down there. But better than nothing I suppose. I had hoped to be in between flagg and cruiser's people [/quote] I dont see a problem with you being beneath the Western Erg and adding a mountain there. I would suggest, perhaps, that the Godfangs might be a better location for a subterranean faction, since the Western Erg is basically nothing but dune sea- but if that's where you want to be that's no problem. I'll add the mountain to the next draft of the map.