[@YamiCuoreLaroux] When the male figure began to say [u]interesting one[/u] she opened her eyes and looked at him while he spoke. Cicile already knew of her second personality but not that because of that her powers is like mirroring. That made her curios. "what does mirroring? is it like that if someone summons fire that i can de the oppeside of it....?" she asked the male figure. [i]Not good or evil.. like human or demon..[/i] it made her think back at the time of the town where she was born. Where she discovered her second personality.. or her demon. The male spoke [u]what interactitions come up among you three will have much greater impacts [/u]. "what do you mean with the interactitions amoung you three? Who are the other two if I may ask and if you know." Cicile asked the male friendly with a little bit of confusion in her voice.