Ethan looked up at the old man, who had shouted about helping him. Ethan looked at Florence, the thrill-seeker. Ethan nodded, "You get the others, I'll fix this bloody thing." Ethan crossed the trolley to the man int he hood, and nudged him aside. He planted both his feet, grabbed the old motor, and yanked. The metal gave a hideous wrenching sound, and then tore off. Ethan grinned as the Trolley wobbled, now free of its main anchoring. Ethan looked around, nervous now. He could hear the Grit now, rumbling towards the wall, all kinds of hideous sounds. He gritted his teeth and bellowed up. "WE GOTTA GO GUYS!" He saw the others running towards the trolley. The two men inside the trolley looked incredibly nervous. He frowned. "Alright, if they don't get here soon, we gotta go. I know we shouldn't leave them, but if we wait, we all die." He looked out over the city. "And maybe there's still somebody alive down there who can fix this."