The world pulsated and roared around Moth. The sound came to him from a great distance, a dull throb from somewhere out of focus. All he could see was an inky black, like an ocean that never saw sunlight. Sounds coalesced around him, the rhythmic shouts and screams of people scattering around him. He opened his eyes. Light assaulted him and made him groan. At least, he thought he groaned. It was hard to tell if he was even still alive, or if his soul was experiencing things apart from his body. Ah, okay, yes he was alive. There was pain. A lot of it. Shapes appeared next, slowly running together into tangible forms and colors. Moth peeled himself off the ground and pushed himself to his elbows and looked around. Behind him, a statue he hadn't noticed before was pointing over the Wall and had its mouth open in mid-shout. The foreman. Forewoman. "Wh...wh..." An explosion of light and sound flashed in his mind. Moth remembered. A tremendous light had shot to the sky from somewhere out in the fields. The woman shouted something to her workers, and then there was a sound like thunder and it all went black. "MWAAP MWOORP MWAP MURRP MAARP!" He tried to shake the ringing from his ears as he jerkily pulled himself to his feet. There was too much noise, too much sound and roaring and banging and... [quote=@OnlyThePie] "WE GOTTA GO GUYS!" [/quote] Okay, THAT he heard. Moth raised his head and looked around, some things still out of focus. The sky to the south was black. There was no twilight inbetween, just an abrupt break from day to night, directly overhead. Head still pounding, the world still swimming around him, Moth turned and walked unsteadily to the light, towards the sounds of shouting.