Adrian stirred slightly, his arms tightening from his grip around her waist. His head was now resting against Enna's, each breath bringing her scent into his nose. The sound of the scratching and whining wasn't quite enough to wake him up from his slumber. His eyes opened slightly and drifted close once again. He dozed, then flinched as the twins spoke to them. He jerked awake, his nose flaring and immediately taking in the scent of blood. He sat up, adrenaline flooding his body, releasing Enna from his grip. He looked at her then at the pup, gently moving Enna off of his lap to stand and go and see the pup. He frowned, sympathy pulling at him. He gently picked the pup up in his hands, walking over to the bathroom. Threat or not, he couldn't let the poor pup die like this. He turned on the sink and began to wash off the pup in order to see, where, if there were any, wounds that could be dealt with a wrapped up. He took a deep breath in through his nose, trying to see if there was any other potentially dangerous scent. [@Arista]