"She's weak, her healing factor is working but sluggishly. Let me see." Enna quietly states, stepping up to his side and gently taking the pup from his hands, the twins were setting up a nest of towels for once the pup was cleaned off. The pup stirred slightly in her hands and whined questioningly, Enna stroked her ears softly, turning towards the tub she turns the knobs and shifts the pup to her other hand for a moment. Glancing down and noting the jeans she'd pulled on ealier, her nose wrinkles as warm water begins to fill the tub. Rolling her eyes and stepping into the tub, she lowers herself and the pup into the water and with her free hands turns the water off. "Adrian, go with the twins and bring the towels they've set up. I'll clean her off and heal the wounds that she can't heal on her own. I'd appreciate it, I need you here with me." She glances up and smiles at him, her free hand gently cleaning the mud and blood from her fur. The pup was stirring more, tail beginning to wag, Enna wished she could shift and talk to her. At the moment though, the option wasn't one she could take, answering the soft whines and chuffs with her own, Enna relaxes and focuses on the task at hand. [@SomeoneSomewere]