[center][h2][color=orange]Jethro Roranson[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [@OneStoryToMany] Jethro raised a brow in confusion. Wasn't it obvious what was going on? His confusion turned to delight as she continued to mention she didn't know how to work the menus. He smiled then chuckled before he spoke again. [color=orange]"Well, it would seemed we were sucked into the game and put in the bodies of our avatars. Imagine my shock when I woke up in a dwarf's body when back home I'm over two foot taller. Anyway, pleasure to meet you Laurel. I assumed you were high level. Scythes take an exotic weapon profientiency. A mid game skill if I remember right. Menus are accessable by a swipe of your writing hand, like so."[/color] He explained as he showed her how to do it. The prompt screen popping up in front of him. He accessed the friend list and clicked "add nearby player". He then clicked Laurel's name. A prompt then popped up in front of Laurel asking if she would like to accept Jethro's request to be friends. [color=orange]"Since we're both technically new, care to be friends? No use in trying to survive this crazy place without one. Not when we don't know if we respawn or not."[/color] He said trying to be as encouraging with his words as he could.