-Indominus- Day 16 / Midday / LVL 16 [quote=@Haeo] From a long distance off he could be faintly heard shouting. As he came bounding closer his endless stream of improvised profanity could be heard quite clearly. "You claim-jumping-son-of-a-bird-dog! You're so dumb that you licked a fire hydrant with your back end by mistake and still got stuck! How did you get the first three horrors of the world free long enough to get here before me you jack-rabbit-kissing-sack-of-excrement-water!" [/quote] Dom turned at the sound of an oh so familiar shouting and felt his mouth fill with bile at the sight of the dirtiest, most uncouth, outright disrespectful son a lepers mule that had ever traversed the world. The insults from his 'dear' companion fell on deaf ears as Dom just stared at him with a confused look of annoyance, familiar with the verbal aspect of their long standing friendship but still refusing to to be treated like that. [color=f7941d]"You WHAT, you filthy rag-dolled sack'a crap? I couldn't hear your fond hello over the sound of your unceasing [b][i]verbal diarrhea[/i][/b] but you're used to the sound of waste escaping that rats nest you call a beard. You long-necked scrawny halitosis-riddled twig I ought to send you back to the devil."[/color] Every word was accompanied by a bit of froth as Dom and Smart got closer and closer until they were practically screaming it in each others face. A party players had come out of a tunnel on the opposite end of the cave and caught sight of the two elderly men having a screaming match, an tirade of insults as dusty and out of date as the two themselves. To a one, the party turned and fled back into the caves preferring the echo of their own heart beat to the archaic slurs. Dom and Smart butted heads and shoved like children as they bickered. [color=f7941d]"You son a goat I said meet me at the town when you got in and you weren't there! Found my granddaughter, who wants nothing to do with me, before I found your stupid arse? What do you have to say for yourself!"[/color] Rage clear as day over his face overwhelmed good sense, not even bothering to listen to a reply. Doms right hand glowed black as his left hand grabbed Smarts beard, yanking it down violently into his rising fist. Doms smart-ass reply was cut short as a blunt tonfa smashed into his jaw with the same force his punch had, stumbling him back and rubbing his jaw. [color=f7941d]"You wanna go, tricky dick, fine."[/color] Dom spat into the dirt and put his dukes up. -Delcastle- Day 16 / Midday / LVL 12 Delcastle smiled at the company, shaking Mai'los' hand and gesturing to a seat in the booth that was free. [color=0072bc]"Do scooch over a bit, I'm expecting more company."[/color] He left unsaid who it was but obviously it was another of their crew. A quick swipe put away the menu as Mai'lo took his seat. Delcastle dug into the bread with fervor and washed it down with a bit of ale. A sigh of bliss escaped his lips as he quaffed his drink, wiping away a tiny bit on his lips. [color=0072bc]"Nothing definitive. We're wasting our time if we stay in the forest, all of us know that, so I've decided to move on."[/color] Another swipe brought out the menu, Cinera joined them as he swiped and brought out a map for the others to see. It hadn't cost him much for the map, a promise of a favor of some sort for all available detail of the gorge, and was not disappointed. Players had apparently gotten through the tunnels, though they were few and a bit unwilling to share which tunnels, but that wasn't important. Not right now atleast. On the map was a painted little route but it only went halfway through the gorge before running in a circle overtop itself. Delcastle moved over a bit and Cinera sat down, to which he planted a light kiss on her cheek and gave a wink. [color=0072bc]"As I was telling Mai'lo, I found a tip about an untouched treasure. In the middle of the gorge is supposed to be a big crack on the ground, barely noticeable but distinguished enough to be found by someone looking. Someone says they stepped on it and opened a spiraling path into the earth but nobody else has bothered to check it out, either by not finding the entrance or not bothering at all. Before we take out the Rock Tusks and the Devil Beetles I was hoping to find the rumor."[/color] He closed the menu and leaned in close to the table and whispered, [color=0072bc]"If memory serves, this is the entrance to a mini-dungeon. Supposedly its an 'abandoned mine' with an exclusive weapon at the end." [/color]