[@Zeroth] It was an almost instantaneous change. There was no gradual shift, no slow fading of his moles. Rather, it was simply as if Mark had blinked, and when his eyes had opened he had been looking at something else. The moles from his face seemed to have disappeared, and his ears and nose were altered be more in line with the "norm". Equally jarring was the fact that the fat both on his neck and stomach seemed to have withdrawn slightly. Strangely though, he didn't feel any more in-shape or lighter, it was as if the change was purely cosmetic and nothing else, that the fat had simply become unnoticed but still existed. Mark's teeth didn't seem to change much. Maybe they had lightened just a bit, but it wasn't to a degree where he could be definitively sure. What could be certain was that his physical appearance had rather dramatically and inexplicably changed, likely for the better. While it was hard to say objectively, he at least didn't seem [b]un[/b]attractive any longer. The majority of people would consider him average, nothing more and nothing less. A moment after this occurred though, his phone vibrated again with a new text, one from the unknown number. [i][center]"You can ask me questions, you know! I'm here to help you, after all! >_<" "But okay! Since you went ahead and thought of a new goal, I'll hit you up with an extra quest! These things are based off your motivations and desires, so as long as you have those, you can keep getting quests!" "Yep, Appearance is a handy stat, alright! Everyone always seems to go for it first, LOL. Well I hope you're satisfied with your purchase!" -X[/center][/i]