[center][h2]The Titans Headquarters[/h2][/center] Hadrian stood in a large entrance hall of the Teen Titan’s new headquarters and his mind was full of anxious thoughts. Today would be his first time meeting the entire team and that would mean he would have to hope that their first meeting together would go smoothly. For a long time Hadrian had fears that this idea of a group of teenage heroes would be a disaster and they would all get killed, but he would have to rely on faith that everything would work out. “Their files are fine and they all have great power, but I just hope that they will work well with this team” he said to himself as he waited for their arrival. Hadrian wasn’t use to working in groups and this was all going to be new to him. With how much trouble that the Justice League had to handle nowadays ever since the trinity disappeared and the world’s troubles had risen, it was his hope that this team would help bring some order back into the world. They would be in for a wild ride when they begin to do hero work as a team. Their headquarters was built with the help of the League and it was located in an obscure part of the woodlands of New York State. A hidden base was wise now that so much hatred against superhumans was everywhere and they would need to stay hidden. Hadrian never thought that Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were so integral to keeping the civil peace in the world. Now there were all sorts of hate groups both human and metahuman going around attacking those who did not follow their ideologies. There would need to be order brought back into the world if peace was going to ever be achieved again. Some of the League members were still wondering what happened to the trinity, but Hadrian was more focused on making sure that entities who had given him his powers did not return and bring complete chaos with them. Hadrian wanted to focus more on helping bring down criminals and fighting against the hate groups to keep the public safe. Deep down in his mind something told him that it may be a bad decision to not focus on finding out what had happened to the big three, but he looked past that and wanted get into combating villains and using his powers for good.