Ever since arriving in this new world, Light had to get acclimated to quite a few things. For one, it had a lot of entertaining books and movies. Another, there were a lot of 'special' beings with super powers. And third, while the Justice League was fairly nice to her, normal people as she learned, weren't super keen on seeing her at times unless she was fighting crime or something. It made watching movies really akward when most people gave her a wide birth minus a few people who well... She wasn't fans of them. Light made her way to the location of a new base, having been told to be part of a team called the 'Teen Titans'. She kinda understood why they put the building in the woodlands of New York, but was still annoyed with the location being so far away from a city. She arrived at the base second, which confused her since she wasn't in much of a hurry to get there. Noticing one of her new team members, she pulled out a hole from inside her dress and jumped into it, another hole appearing in front of Hadrian in which Light popped out of. "Hiya, I'm Light, who are you?" She said with a smile on her face, extending one of her hands for him to shake. "Is this a duo thing or...?" She said, puzzled.