This should prove suitable. [hider=Sakaala] [h3][b]Sakaala[/b][/h3] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] [i]"Sakaala"[/i] Referring to herself as "Sakaala", it is unknown what her name truly is, but there exists reason enough to believe that her assumed name has apparent symbolism, most likely amongst those familiar to her fallen people who placed great value in the meaning of all things, most importantly those belonging to themselves. For those in the know of obscure and arcane cultural history, she is "the finality" or more simply "the last (whole) one", a sobering title that is not only accurate but most disheartening. [b]Species:[/b] [i]Monstrous Humanoid[/i] The origin and types of monstrous humanoids vary greatly, with some being the product of twisted arcane magic unchecked to others being the work of some divine force. They range from the more "common", as with the minotaur, centaur or harpy, to the more exotic and rare. Sakaala, as well as those who once made up her people, bordered the spectrum of the latter more than the former, being mostly obscure but recorded comparatively well. However, the question of what created a small number of lionmen abroad the realm is unknown, but their kind existed like many monsters before the Age of Mortals, near certainly having an origin many ancient eras past. Only in recent times has this rare bloodline, as with many other unusual beings of similar sorts, all but disappeared after prolonged hunting of "aberrants" by paranoid mortals in the wake of the near successful invasion of the plane. [b]Age:[/b] [i]47[/i] Although longer lived than most mortal men by virtue of unnatural blood, Sakaala is no youth and certainly no longer in her prime. In spite of these things, as with her natural relatives, she is a remarkable example of longevity which has been extended yet by dabbling in arcane arts and an incredible will to survive. [b]Description:[/b] [hider=The Warrior-Mage] [img][/img] [/hider] Sakaala is distinct in just race alone; owing both to her incredible scale among mortal men, at the height of horse of twenty-two hands, and her overtly leonine features of which are only vaguely humanoid in nature and otherwise quite savage. Her dense sand tone hide is badly scarred about the right of her body, bearing some wounds of which were so visibly savage that even magical aid has not wholly righted them, but the most notable being the blindness of her right eye. While no less lame in the right arm than blind in the right eye, almost entirely numb, she retains its use by sense of self alone. Ambidextrous in response because of this weakness, her tendency to shore up vulnerabilities is remarkable. She distinctly conceals the worst of her injuries beneath her partial robe, and outside of the obvious blindness of an eye, her body is in remarkable condition for a female of her growing age, violent history and having bore offspring in previous. While not overtly robust, her musculature is still visible and her strength measurably stronger than many men. Instead of these qualities, she is more remembered for the gold that is the color of her eyes, barring the blindness; they are akin to portals of lingering sadness and fierce resolve - the same lament of failure and animal cry of defiance entwined. Minimalist in her armoring, Sakaala bears a well worn mithral breastplate upon her chest and a matching pauldron and bracer to her weaker arm, ending it in a fingerless leather glove. Beneath her limited armor she dresses in the remnants of an aged arcanist's robe that ends just beneath her sizable bust, rolling it at the shoulder upon the right limb and let loose upon her strong left arm; the formerly black material having faded to a dusted grey. It, like the rest of her regalia, is undoubtedly salvaged from a fallen friend or a fallen foe, becoming both a prize and a memento. Upon her waist fits a wide tribal belt and battered sash keeping rolled, pressed leather leggings that are accompanied by a pair of slender, exotic daggers worn at the thigh about her lower half. While the belt she adorns herself was once common to her kind, they exist now only as prizes in the hands of grim collectors. Worn about her neck hangs a morbid reminder of her enemy's hatred for her people - a collection of fangs and claws - which was most certainly pried from the cold, dead grasp of one of her felled foes of which is accompanied by another, not nearly minor trinket; a decorative necklace of polished black stone upon a humble leather loop adorned with smaller decorative pieces. Not keen to speak of the second of the two pieces of finery, she often counts the poached points of her other necklace. Bearing a true hand-and-a-half elven blade of indeterminate age as her favored weapon, it is uncertain if it were a tool of conflict initially her own or one which she liberated from her would-be killers. Forged of the rare ore mithral, it is polished to an exquisite silvery shine instead of dulled with age about the fine of the blade. Despite its characteristic remarkable lightness and finesse, the weapon is truly designed to be wielded with both hands by its bearer, yet Sakaala's great scale and greater strength allows her to wield it with deadly ease in a single pawed hand. Unnervingly, so much as drawing the blade - let alone swinging it - sets it to ring faintly in a short lived but soft harmonic hum, but more than anything the bite of the sword itself leaves such keen blows that they are almost unsettling to look upon. [b]Personality and Alignment:[/b] [i]Neutral Good[/i] The benevolent matriarch, her inherently motherly animal nature follows her strongly with the incredible violence, that both magical and mundane, which she is capable of should she or those she considers her own be threatened. Kindly even toward those wary of her, her wrath is not easily provoked, but no threats made against her or those she views as companions are considered just idle. Perhaps unconsciously she tends to the wounded, acquires fresh provisions, and stays awake during watches all to ensure the continued survival of her adoptive company. Aging as she is, she has embraced the role of a vizier and sage, providing great insight and wisdom to those who inquire upon her. No friend of evil and abiding by her own sense of morality, she is best described as an intellectual and spiritual benefactor. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [i]Lore Expertise[/i] Having lived such a varied and long life has graced Sakaala with many skills, the most notable is her vast knowledge upon matters ranging from historical events to distant locales, from to forces of nature to arcane mysteries. Self taught, her incredible recollection is imperfect and incomplete, but more often than not her acquired lore is relevant. She specializes in the intellectual categories of arcana, history, nature and locales with little greater knowledge on other matters. [i]Martial Adept[/i] There are those who achieve martial proficiency through strength of arms alone and then there are those who acquire combat superiority by raw skill. Sakaala's inhuman strength and agility lend well to life lived by the sword, but it is her intuition, intelligence and force of personality that truly make her a deadly foe as she not only understands the principals of conflict, but actively anticipates them with preternatural skill. This so called "blade-magic" is a blend of martial arts, mysticism, and swordplay - at times engaging in impossible feats martial through magic and at others achieved by intense discipline and practice alone. Sakaala makes up for her disabilities by simply being more skillful and magically inclined than most her foes. [Hider=Martial Abilities] [i]Bolstering Presence[/i] While Sakaala is present, her mere warrior nature supernaturally inspires mental resolve and great courage in the face of fear among herself and allies. Effects that attack the mind are weakened, and attempts to intimidate or cause fear are dampened heavily as the body, emotion, mind, and spirit are made hardened against such effects. [i]Perfect Mind[/i] Honed by intense exposure to offensive magic, Sakaala's force of personality provides her immense leverage against mind-affecting effects. The bane of charms, enchantments and illusions, she often rapidly comes to her senses, especially in the heat of battle or when her companions are threatened. When expended, this ability takes a few moments to recover. [i]Steel Wind[/i] This maneuver involves a sudden turn of the blade that lands an otherwise singular blow against one target to also connect with another. A difficult attack to employ in the hands of the untrained, its uncanny speed and incredible finesse work are further augmented by Sakaala's ambidexterity, making her a deadly foe against numbers of enemies, especially the lightly armored. This attack is effectively a single attack against multiple targets. When expended, this ability takes a few moments to recover. [i]Wall of Blades[/i] The agility Sakaala can display for brief periods of time even without her magic is unsettling. With lightning speed, Sakaala can counter a single melee or ranged attack, blocking or deflecting the worst of the blow with her own weapon, even in the worst of scenarios with precognition-like intuition. When expended, this ability takes a few moments to recover. [/hider] [i]Seasoned Ranger[/i] A born predator, Sakaala was one of many huntresses of her people, no less acting as a wildlands warrior in times of danger when threatened. Having survived alone from these skills for years, she is an able huntress and would be considered expert in the wilderness, capable of even eluding enemies and striking unexpectedly in natural environments. Of her practical skills, she is a trained gatherer of flora and fauna thus able to provide for herself and others in the ways of naturally provided rations, traditional medicine, pure water and various feats of outdoorsmanship. She is difficult to track when being followed and hardly inhibited by natural terrain. [b]Magic:[/b] [i]Channel Spell[/i] The ability to cast magical spells and effects is no small wonder even in a world where magic is possibility, but the power to do so while accompanying martial maneuvers is another great feat altogether. Able to channel some of her spells through her natural and weapon attacks, she unleashes devastating blows that inflict a variety of other effects on the victims of the attack. Working in conjunction with her supernatural martial arts, she can perform these abilities often in unexpected ways such as casting a single spell and striking multiple foes with its effects at once. She is not only limited to a small selection of spells to channel a day, but cannot do so extensively without becoming exhausted mentally. [hider=Channeled Spells] [i]Bladeweave[/i] A swing of the sword moves with awesome magical grace and almost rhythmic perfection while giving off glints of faint light. Any creature unfortunate enough to be struck might find itself briefly dazed for a moment of hesitation by the fascinating magical swordsmanship exhibited. Creatures that have already been dazed are just as likely to be dazed again, but those resistant to illusions are not likely to be so awed. [i]Combustion[/i] A corona of roiling heated air sheathes the blade, leaving waves of intense heat in the wake. A creature or object struck by the weapon discharges the spell, causing the target to instantly ignite in a personal inferno and setting them intensely ablaze for a moment before the magical flames vanish. If hasty or fortunate, a creature can extinguish the lingering non-magical flames left behind - if not careful, they continue to burn with mundane fire until its fuel is exhausted or its air is cut off. [i]Enfeeblement[/i] An ominous dark green glimmer envelops the weapon's blade and is discharged upon successful strike, magically debilitating the muscular strength of the victim. Each instance of crippled physical might is additive, and creatures depleted of their strength are temporarily paralyzed and rendered helpless. Their lost strength returns minutes later after the last blow endured. [i]Fatiguing[/i] A faint dullness and aura of immaterial grey shrouds the weapon's blade and is discharged upon a successful blow. The so affected creature is overcome by fatigue, slowing its physical strength and reflexes greatly, but most notably leaving it tired and unable to run. The weight of their debilitation is brief, lasting only a few prolonged moments and once the effects wear off, they are no worse for wear because of it. [i]Shocking[/i] A scatter of sparks and silent cyan-white lightning shudder about the sword's length, pulling it more accurately toward metal targets. Upon striking, the magical effect discharges with a dull localized clap of thunder and the target is struck by a mighty burst of lightning from the weapon, jarring them. This channeled effect is much more likely to land upon metal targets than those not bearing much metal. [i]True Strike[/i] A bearer of a weapon to be imbued takes a brief moment to gain precognative insight into their next attack, greatly increasing its likelihood to land, yet this strength comes at the cost of denying the caster action for a moment. Now enchanted for its next blow, it ignores both magical and practical forms of concealment and seems to find the weakest point in the target's defenses. Once it strikes, the benefit ends and the aura of perfect clarity is gone. [i]Wraithstrike[/i] A phantasmal air surrounds the now shimmering blade which is sheathed in ghostly wisps. For a brief moment, it strikes with deathly accuracy, penetrating conventional defenses such as armor or even benefits such as magical deflectiveness, needing only to merely touch the victim to deal its damage in full as though it were a spirit. Upon striking, the effect ends and the weapon returns to its normal qualities. [/hider] [i]Natural Sorceress[/i] As a creature born of magic, the very essence of latent power lies within Sakaala and those that were like her, infused with every ounce of their person. It is from this obscure pool that she draws upon, evoking sorcerous power on whim, but having deeply specialized in doing so; her repertoire of magical spells not vast or complex, but instead practical and martial. She blends the martial arts and swordplay with her magic instead of casting traditional spells by and far, although she can indeed manifest some purely magic effects. Traditionally, few monstrous humanoids are able mages - instead relying upon their natural superiority to combat magical and mundane threats through sheer force and intuition. Sakaala, in spite of these things and the taboos of her now lost society, has taken up arcane power to compensate for her debilitation and growing age. It is known that many mortals are driven mad by arcane power with time, but many monsters seem no worse for wear. As with all sorcerers, Sakaala's magic depletes throughout the day when she expends it. Recovering her inherent energy when she rests for a prolonged time, she relies upon measured application of mystic force so not to expend all of her magic in a short time although she is capable of doing so. [hider=Spell List] [b]Least (0th)[/b] Arcane Mark, Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue [b]Lesser (1st)[/b] Nerveskitter, Shocking Grasp, Truestrike, Ray of Enfeeblement [b]Common (2nd)[/b] Combust, Bladeweave, Wraithstrike [b]Great (3rd)[/b] Haste, Dispel Magic [/hider] [Hider=Spells] [i]Arcane Mark[/i] A visible or invisible permanent mark of magical enchantment is placed upon the target without causing harm. If placed upon a creature, it fades with time over a month. When invisible, it requires a creature that can see invisibility to notice the mark. Otherwise only an effect that detects magic renders the mark visible, but one must be able to read magic as well to understand its meaning, if it even has one. [i]Amanuensis[/i] An invisible force, when provided with text to read and parchment, begins transcribing the mundane words of another work. The force continues to generate the copied text word for word on to the initially blank parchment, skipping any illustrations and magical enchantments it encounters in its work, leaving their locations empty. While it does not translate the writings, should they be in a language not understood, it does continue to copy them until its duration ends or it pauses, awaiting more parchment. [i]Detect Magic[/i] The viewer can visually detect magical effects within their line of sight, out to a short distance as glowing radiation. If they wish to concentrate they may separate different auras and determine their strength, and with further concentration attempt to determine the specific spell effect that is active. Powerful magical effects and creatures leave lingering auras, and appear more distinctly upon focus. [i]Dispel Magic[/i] A powerful, brief burst of nullifying magic affects a creature or object, or dispels an area instantly of any temporary magical effects and interrupts ongoing ones or those being cast. The dispelling affect always targets the most powerful spells first, then attempts to remove the progressively weaker ones of its target. Against a creature casting a spell, this effect causes the spell to immediately fail to cast. [i]Haste[/i] The caster and nearby allies blur with sudden, lightning fast alacrity, moving with intense speed and reflexes. Their attacks become so rapid they are a near blur of motion, and their movement causes them to shimmer with enchanted speed. Striking more accurately and evading more rapidly, this effect lasts only a few intense prolonged moments. [i]Mage Hand[/i] An invisible force may manipulate objects through concentration as though it were an extension of its master. Although capable of only lifting light objects, it has the full functionality of a phantasmal hand free of a body, giving it great range of motion. A form of very limited magical psychokinesis, its range is short and it disperses to nothing if it travels far. [i]Message[/i] A distant conversation may be held at a whispered tone, sent to a small number of selected creatures. Although each may reply individually, the visibly spoken words are sent to all affected individuals. It bypasses line of sight, limited out to several hundred feet, but is stopped by magical silence, dense metal or stone, or several feet of earth or wood. The words spoken are identical to what is being said and do not transcend language barriers. [i]Nerveskitter[/i] An icy rush races through the blood of the affected individual, spurring them to act or react to danger well before they regularly would be capable. Immediate in effect and its casting, it gives the the creature great precognition for but a moment, allowing them to act with greater initiative. Although limited in range out to a short distance, it heightens the senses and reactions greatly for a crucial few seconds. [i]Prestidigitation[/i] This effect can generate a wide array of more minor effects, of which are humble yet practical uses of magic. They range from cleaning to dirtying an object, creating minor levitation in small objects, chill or warm slightly, ignite or extinguish mundane flames, create small fragile objects or play ethereal musical notes, and so forth. While it cannot duplicate stronger spells, it perhaps can evoke the illusion of greater magic at play. [i]Read Magic[/i] Enabling a reader to explicitly read magically concealed text, it can be used to translate runes, scrolls, symbols and other forms of enchanted text. It does not invoke any latent magical effect of the writing, but it allows the reader to no longer require the ability to read that enchanted text through magic, giving them inherent understanding of it. [/hider] [b]Backstory:[/b] [h3][b]Anecdotes of a Reluctant Mercenary[/b][/h3] [i][b]By "The Mage", quoted from "Anecdotes of a Reluctant Mercenary", Chapter VI "On the Subject of Sakaala"[/b][/i] [i]"Hunter, warrior, arcanist - over the span of a lifetime one has many varied roles that they might confront, but few ever live them so fully as to explore them in their entirety. She however, has. Undeniably left with the signs of terrible wounds past, most notably the blindness of her right eye and blatant lameness of the right arm, she has endured trials no one, be them man or beast, should be forced to confront alone. Born an exceptional huntress but appointed a warrior, she served loyally on behalf of her scarce peoples, keeping grim threats beyond, those we do not suffer, at bay. Although she, as with select others among her lot, served admirably on behalf man, not all men were so approving. It was in this she was forced to fight to the last beside those who had become her sisters on an ever losing front, but for all of her skill even she too was felled. She too has felt the bite of defeat... all the more memorable than that of victory. She does not speak to us about what became of her children, but when you look upon her eyes you see that same hurt of someone with nothing left to her in this world. It is for these reasons she turned to things most men believe left better unknown - the arcane. For one reason or another, perhaps because she is not of mortal stock, she has acquired the capacity to wield this mystic thing as any other weapon. She has made her body, and even her blade, its conduit. It is all almost a direct extension of herself, the way in which she flows like graceful death both natural and magical; the manner in which she ably adapts her styles, be them as subtle as her favored hand to the placement of her feet, even in her age. I wonder if she is truly satisfied now, watching over us like our matriarch - some relic of a dead people - blessing us with kindness we cannot possibly repay. After all, what could we offer her? We are but mere men; arrogant, brash, foolish and young. What really drives her to aid us in the heat of conflict or tend to our wounds thereafter? A motherhood she still lives vicariously? Whatever the reason, she has more than earned my faith in her; my admiration for her."[/i] [/hider]