[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Joren stood at the bottom of the Dreams’ loading ramp with Kelsa on his arm as Dono loaded the last of their gear onto the ship while Nyna was in the cockpit preparing the ship for takeoff. As the early afternoon heat from the desert planet’s twin suns bore down on Joren, being nearly unbearable, Brya came out of her home and stood by them. “So you’re really doing this, aren’t you?” She asked Joren. “Apparently.” Joren said, still unable to believe the events of the last few days. Joren had felt the shock that Dono, and everyone else for that matter, had felt when Joren revealed that he had once been a member of the Jedi Order. Dono in particular had been conflicted on the matter, as it was his people who had so long ago gone to war with the Jedi, causing massive casualties on both sides, and as the old saying suggested, nothing had a longer memory than a Mandolorian with a grudge. Yet, despite all that, it was Dono who had told Kaylee and Rush that Joren would return to the Order, or at the very least, meet with Grand Master Skywalker and discuss it. “A Jedi.” Brya said as she shook her head in disbelief. “I never would have pegged you for a Jedi. Not in a million years.” She finished with slight amusement in her voice. “Well, if it makes any difference, I haven’t been a Jedi in a long time.” Joren told her. “So, where to next?” Brya asked. “We’ll be heading to Coruscant to meet with Master Skywalker. After that, who knows?” Joren told her. “Uncertainty. A trait unbecoming of a Jedi.” Brya teased, letting out a small laugh as she finished speaking. “Well, that’s the story of my life these days.” Joren told her. “And you.” Brya addressed Kelsa. “Are you alright with this?” “I don’t know.” Kelsa confessed. “I have my reservations, but I think Dono is right, this is something that he should do.” “Yeah. I can see that.” Brya said as the engines of The Darq Dreams roared to life. “I guess that’s your queue. You take care of her, Joren.” “I will.” Joren said as he put his arm around Kelsa, giving her a small squeeze. “And yourself.” Brya told him. “It’s a rough universe out there, you be careful.” “I’ll do my best.” Joren chuckled. “And do me one more favor, don’t forget about us out here. Come and visit again, maybe next time you’ll be able to meet Brixi.” Brya told him as she leaned in and embraced both of them in a hug. “I promise.” Joren told her as they broke free and made their way up the Dreams’ loading ramp.