[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6vttVhn.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Epwjnz8.png[/img] [hr] [/center] Celeste stretched up into the air as she awoke, almost as if she was reaching up to grab the very stars that she fell from. She slid out of bed and pranced over to her bathroom before showering and getting dressed. She wore an oversized black sweater, a plaid skirt, tights and flat shoes. Along with this, was a baseball cap worn backwards, in a vain effort to hide her 'secret' identity. Suffice to say, her fashion sense was limited to what she saw on the internet, namely on something called [i]'tumblr'[/i]. She had received a message, about joining something called [i]'The Teen Titans'.[/i] To tell the truth, most of the situations in which Celeste found herself in was due to pure bad luck. Taking out a withdrawal at the bank? You better believe that a robbery would take place. Walking past an orphanage? Of course a new fire based villain would be attacking it. Heck, she even had to deal with some condiment based villain while at Burger King with a few of her friends. While she had very little to do today, other than watching a documentary on whales that she had been waiting what felt like weeks to be shown again, she felt an urge to not meet the titans. She couldn't tell what it was, but something in her stomach told her that meeting them could be a bad idea. Although that could have just been the copious amount of pears she had eaten the night before. Ever since discovering them, they had far surpassed anything she had ever tasted. She took deep breaths, considering her options. She could either go to the meeting, risk potential death or dismemberment, have her 'identity' revealed and face social exclusion should she survive. Or, she could not go, live a life of boredom and stick to the same process of watching nature documentaries, crying at the bits with koala bears and eating pears for the rest of her young life. Obviously, she chose the first option. She left her small apartment and scurried to the back alley. There was no quicker way of getting around New York than flying, in her experience. She looked to the sky, crouched and shot off into the sky like a reverse meteor. Zipping and swooping around the clouds was fun, for sure, but also dangerous to the careless or distracted. In fact, Celeste had managed to doge multiple birds and jet engines just by a hair in this flight alone, she should really have flown a lot closer to the ground. Soon enough, she found herself diving towards the meeting place. At the same time, she found herself wondering how they'd tracked her down. It would take a smarter person than her to realize that while the cap hid her horns, it did not hide her constantly changing purple hair or ears. She landed just in front of a large steel door. With a layer of anxiety, she pushed the door open and began making her way in. As if by chance she found herself behind what looked to be an alien. This did more than excite, Celeste, it got her hopes up so high they had hired window cleaners. She walked up to the two, a grin on her face as she stood beside, Light. [color=6ecff6]"Hello!"[/color] She practically shouted, her excitement obvious. [color=6ecff6]"I'm here for the Titans thingy!"[/color] She said, pointing out the obvious as per usual. She turned to Light, her grin growing slightly wider. [color=6ecff6]"I am very sorry if this sounds rude, but are you an alien?"[/color] She asked, excited at the prospect of not being the only alien on the team.