[center][h1][color=aquamarine]Xercas[/color][/h1] and [h1][color=crimson]Harold[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] While still rather early, Xercas never really though of joining a team, or better yet, a super team. Not that he was founded by some snake boy, Harold, to help him find the place. It wasn't only that, Harold thought that Xercas can provide him the food that he needed, other than eating live rats in the sewers of New York. A shiver went down his spine from a memory that occurred when they were hiding in the sewers, a memory he rather forget sooner than later. To him, Harold was a dark scaley young boy/snake that communicated with the serpents around them, he is rather short, maybe half a foot shorter than he is, which he stands roughly under six feet. Another thing that Xercas noticed about Harold was his striking golden eyes, they were different than his slate blue ones. "[color=crimson]I found it![/color]" He heard Harold yell from a bush. "[color=crimson]And also this raccoon as well.[/color]" Xercas only shook his head as he ran up to the younger teen. It has been three weeks since he went on his journey to find where this place is. To him, Harold was the only friend that he had on this journey from Arizona, and it has been a long time since he found someone that was like him. "[color=aquamarine]When we meet these people, Harold, just try not to eat them.[/color]" He said as he remembered that he was almost eaten alive by the teen when they first met each other. The smaller teen waved his had towards where the hide out for the Titan hideout is. While on the way, Harold lifted the live raccoon as he expanded his mouth by dislocating his jaw as he placed the rodent inside of his mouth. The raccoon squealed as it was swallowed whole by him. A snake slithered out from his coat, almost asking for something to eat. "[color=crimson]Maybe Zerk can get you a few rats, Nif.[/color]" Harold said as he lead the way to the hide out. It was only then that they came up to a door, Xercas knocked once, seeing if anyone will answer it. "[color=aquamarine]I will not get your snakes any more food. The last time I did, we ran into more than a hundred rats in the sewers last night! I could have died![/color]" "[color=crimson]But you didn't with that amazing fire work you've done there.[/color]" Harold said as he let the small snake slither away. "[color=aquamarine]And I don't even know how to control it. You could've died there too, Harold.[/color]" Xercas said as they went into the base.