Conner sighed as he was done getting dressed. It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming... [i]Tap tap.[/i] "[color=ed1c24]Hey Conner, open the window![/color]" Kimberly said, the window closed and hidden behind a curtain. ...and Conner's never-relenting bundle of joy was just outside. Going over to the window, Conner removed the curtain and unlocked it, allowing Kimberly to climb through. "[color=00aeef]Kimberly, how many times have I told you to use the front door, and not the window to my second-floor bedroom?[/color]" Conner asked. "[color=ed1c24]Too many times to count,[/color]" Kimberly replied cheerfully, knowing full well how Conner felt about it, which was why she kept doing it. "[color=ed1c24]So, you ready to go?[/color]" Kimberly asked, visibly excited about their destination. "[color=00aeef]Ready as can be,[/color]" Conner replied. Together, the two kids left the house, making their way to the Teen Titans headquarters. Kimberly walked behind Conner, humming a small tune as they walked, while Conner kept staring at his GPS device to make sure that they were heading along the right path. After several turns, Conner eventually stopped near a building, with Kimberly bumping into him from behind. Kimberly, confused, asked, "[color=ed1c24]Conner, why did you stop?[/color]" Then Kimberly was just as shocked as Conner as they watched what just happened. In front of them was the sight of a guy eating, no, [i]swallowing[/i], a raccoon. Whole and alive. Quite frankly, Conner had never seen anything so.... disturbing. After a few moments, Conner suddenly turned around to face Kimberly and said, "[color=00aeef]We're going home.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]What? B-but we just got here![/color]" Kimberly argued. "[color=ed1c24]Come on, give them a chance! I-I'm sure it's not as bad as it looks.[/color]" Conner, in mental turmoil, took a few moments to decide, then exasperatedly said, "[color=00aeef]Fine. If I see something like that again, though, I'm leaving, with or without you.[/color]" Together, the two walked over to greet the two, avoiding a small snake slithering by. "[color=ed1c24]Um... hi,[/color]" Kimberly said nervously, peeking around from behind Conner. Conner, also a bit nervous, raised a hand in greeting, but said nothing.