XIII had followed Twain down the stairs into the room with the burn woman. He winced at the sight of the woman. Those were some bad burns. He'd be surprised if she made it. When Twain put his hand on the woman's shoulder and told her to sleep and she did, XIII raised his eyebrows. Usually people had only one ability, but this man seemed to have more than one. It was strange. The next few minutes were a blur. XIII remembered making a makeshift torch out of kindling by the fireplace and lit it with his ability as subtly as he could, and then being taken by helicopter to someplace and then getting tired and falling asleep. When he woke up he was in what seemed like a hospital room. His hands were bandaged up and he was dressed in pajamas. The fact that he couldn't remember getting there made XIII suspicious. He got out of his bed and left the room. He was in a hallway filled with doors that looked like his. As quietly as he could, he went to each door and opened them slightly to look inside. They were all hospital rooms that had someone in them. He did this until he had checked all of the rooms along the hall. There was a room at the end of the hall he had yet to check. It was a rather large meeting room. Whoever made it must have really liked fish. There was no other door than the one that he had entered through. Wherever they were, they were stuck there until the people that put them there decided otherwise. He left the meeting room and saw someone wandering the hallway before entering a room. XIII shrugged, might as well get to know the other people he was trapped with. He made his way to the room that the person entered in time to hear someone say they were in a hospital. "That's not entirely true" XIII said as he entered the room. Both people here were at the castle before. "I believe we're in a holding facility. I'm not exactly sure what for, but I think it might be because we were at that castle in Russia." XIII had been surprised to hear that he was in Russia. Considering he was in sleeping in the states before he woke up. He frowned as he thought about it. "Actually, I curious. Where were you two before you woke up at that castle?"