[center][h1][color=aquamarine]Xercas[/color][/h1] and [h1][color=crimson]Harold[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Hearing someone talking behind them, Harold was the first to act as he seemed to slither towards the two younger teens. Slight drool came from his mouth as he looked at them, wondering if they we're food to eat. Xercas watched for a moment before Harold completely vomited the raccoon in front of the younger teens to make room in his stomach. It was then that Xercas hit the serpentine's head with a loud thud. "[color=aquamarine]People are not for eating.[/color]" He scolded the younger teen before pulling a smile on his face. "[color=aquamarine]I'm sorry for my partners troublesome antics. I keep telling him people are not food, and he tries anyways.[/color]" Harold, on the other hand, winced a little before he gotten the message that these people were not for eating, and he wasted his food to make room for more. A cobra poked it's head out from the coat that he was wearing. "[color=crimson]You can have it, Sil.[/color]" He said to the cobra before it taken the raccoon for it's own. "[color=aquamarine]I'm Xercas, and this is Harold.[/color]" "[color=crimson]But you can call me Serpentine![/color]" Harold said with a cheery tone. It was an awkward moment for Xercas, after having new people seeing the sight that usually sent others running away and getting a hate group to kill them. They really had no other choice but to run from town to town.