[H2][Color=B0C4DE]NIKI / CG[/Color][/H2] Niki cruised along in her 57 T-Bird enjoying the growl of the Paxton Supercharged 312 that developed 42 horsepower more than it had been originally rated due to it's mechanical parts being in perfect balance because she'd been bored and wondered what it could be made to do without visible modification. Everything that turned or moved on the machine fit it's position better than any car ever made and because of the details she'd put into it her's could actually meet the 150 mph promise made by her speedometer; not that she would ever dream of exceeding the speed limit but it was nice to know. And as the petite blonde drove she had other things on her mind such as her new home and the care and upkeep of her two others. She'd been surprised to have been approached by someone asking her to join the Teen Titans. She had just graduated with two degrees, one in physics and the other in mechanical engineering and was considering getting her doctorate before she was 20 but couldn't pass up the chance to work with people more like herself. She saw the hidden drive entrance to the Titan's new base and slowed to a stop outside the gates telling them to open with her ability meaning they responded instantly swinging wide eagerly to welcome their new Mistress. Then Niki drove the gleaming black two seater up the drive through the surrounding woods and stopped when she reached the parking area. Shortly she was out of the classic two seater and opened the trunk to pull out her two soft bags, her violin case and then the car cover specially designed by her for protecting what she still thought of as Daddy's car. It was made of a revolutionary material that would have been impossible for anyone but her to construct. Using nano- memory tubes to automatically assume the shape of the T-bird in a snap once she placed the magnetic clips on the rear bumper. She picked up her bags and violin after seeing to her car and headed to the entrance humming a tune that she was hearing on a local radio station in her head. She giggled lightly as she thought of how delighted she was to help the newest Teen Titans with their base, machines and the occasional bad guy. Up ahead she saw a small crowd outside of the entrance an thought [Color=B0C4DE](This could prove interesting)[/Color] [H2][Color=D2691E]NEKO[/Color][/H2] Neko loved the Wilderness through which she traveled but she also loved the excitement of civilization and the chance to pursue interesting prey. She hoped the place she was going was warm and safe with interesting things to do when she wasn't active. It would be strange living with people, especially ones she'd never met but Susan her best friend an the strange smelling green man had said this could be a place were she'd be safe and learn how to interact as well as stay out of trouble with the law people that she had trouble understanding. She burst out of the trees barely rustling the leaves as she landed in the Driveway. She looked around herself sensing her new environment using every sense she had and the result was several scents that caused her tail to bristle like a brush. It was most likely nothing to be concerned about but that didn't mean she was going to drop her guard completely. Curious about the scent's owner and their potential danger Neko thought it would be fun to see if they might reveal themselves if they were startled so she exploded into a high-speed rush towards the sound of voices an when she was about 40 feet from a group gathered near a door the cat girl launched herself into the air performing several flips before landing in a crouch about 10 feet away her long tail thrashing the air behind her in an angry manner.