[color=FF4500]Liza. Hype Convoy. Point Bordeaux. 18/03/2016.[/color] [hr] Truck rattled as it skipped over rough terrain. Settled as wheels hit road. Liza kept her sun steady all the same - arms outstretched like the others she shared the truck's back with. In the center, circle made of palms, floated a small ball of heat - about the size of her fist. Liza kept it small - made it hotter. More efficient. It was easier that way - not much heat to pull from, with the downpour. Good thing she'd made this one back when there was enough heat not to want it. High-noon sun last time they stopped; now a miserable pallor hung over them. She heard the rain on the roof now - just reminded her of how far they'd come. Point Bordeaux. Liza imagined the rain was just the first of poor receptions. At least she kept her vehicle warm and dry through the weather. She flexed her fingers, enjoying the heat - never did well with cold. Supposed she never had to. Brakes squeaked - more from nearby vehicles too. Radio crackled on, then off. Tarvos came and went with the static. She pulled her sun slowly away from the circle - only a single mumble to ignore - and pushed it towards the sunroof. An apt name in the moment - Liza nearly chuckled. The sun went out first, expanding as it left the vehicle. Liza stopped it as it reach beach-ball size. Still hot enough to sizzle rain that hit it. An umbrella as good as any. She imagined herself - a peculiar sight to her mind's eye, let alone anyone's regular ones. Girl, young, thin, poking out of sunroof. Sun floating above her, raindrops sizzling, steam wafting up and away. Her truck was parked relatively close to Serena's black van. She had a good view as Tarvos approached - held the same one as Lucas did the same. She smiled at Lucas, though he didn't see her. A genuine smile. The man was gentle, kind, troubled. Liza counted him a friend. He seemed to understand her - probably due to his power, more than his character. She didn't care why - just that he did. It was nice not having to explain. For a few minutes, sitting on the truck with the sun above her was all she did - nothing else was happening, just another stop on the convoy's long journey. Tasks had been distributed by Tarvos - despite Liza's long 'service' with the convoy, she wasn't completely trusted, nor completely qualified. Just a young girl who'd run away, like so many others that surrounded her. She was reserved, withdrawn. Left good people behind in search of an unclear better. But she tried to be useful where she could; where she was able and allowed. Like heating up a vehicle of soggy Hypes. Then, she noticed a closed gaggle of Hypes, and saw Tarvos flare up, hand on gun and eyes steeled. A girl appeared, boy over shoulder. It never did take long after they'd stopped. A short exchange between Tarvos and...Thumper? Liza had some vague awareness. 23 and constantly travelling - there was little else to do than plug into the internet. Especially on long roads. She was tempted to speak up - but best not. Tarvos would handle it. He would want to handle it. It was why he lead the convoy, after all. And then Lucas, gentle man, checked them. Liza smiled again. She remembered being checked. It was peculiar - mostly by Lucas' mannerisms - but effective. She'd been approved, for which she was grateful. Thumper seemed to get it as well. Her charge, however... Unpleasant. Aggressive. Acerbic. Antisocial. Liza recognized them all. They belied the true meaning - defense mechanism. Fear. Sorrow. Desperation. An inability to understand. Liza didn't need Lucas' hands to see through the boy, identified as Joshua. He was Hype, that much was clear - but he didn't like it. Didn't want it. Wasn't at peace with it. Virtues Liza shared, in parallel. Hype made him different. Made him alien. Made him unwanted. [color=FF4500]"He's right."[/color] She said, finding courage now. The driver of her truck looked at her. [color=FF4500]"He's desperate. Has been for a long while."[/color] She looked away from Joshua, turning to Tarvos as she climbed from the truck to rest her feet on solid ground. She saw Serena leaning over behind him, watching the whole situation play out in a way only she could see. She gulped. [color=FF4500]"I'll ride with him when we move. I'll take a bike. Alone. Less risk."[/color] She turned sharply, giving a quick glance to Lucas before returning her eyes to Joshua. [color=FF4500]"Safer if he's in the convoy. For everyone."[/color]