[color=lightblue]"Welp... I guess that answers my question."[/color] Light said as more and more people showed up. First a younger girl with purple hair and pointed ears, then a guy in some cool looking robes. The purple haired girl asked Light if she was an alien, to which Light replied. [color=lightblue]"Well... Technically everyone is an alien until you get to know them, right? Ha ha..."[/color] Light said, halfheartedly laughing. [color=lightblue]"No, I'm a 'toon'. Course I tend to creep people out. I think its the eyes."[/color] She said with a toothy smile. The guy with robes walked up to her soon after that, looking her dead in the eyes. It then dawned on Light that she was one of the bigger members of the group, and this guy was the only person so far around her height. [color=lightblue]"Well, I guess this guy isn't scared. Find black and orange eyes sexy do you?"[/color] Light said playfully sticking her tongue out and winking. Commotion could be heard a little ways away around the corner of the building. What sounded like 4 people talking, then one vomiting, could be heard. [color=lightblue]"So uh... Guess we've got 4 more people around the corner or something. And one of them is sick."[/color] Light said, pointing at the area with her thumb. Before she could head over to check it out though, some sort of cat person jumped out of the nearby woods and started to hiss at the group, tail raised. [color=lightblue]"So... Anyone got any idea how many people are supposed to show up? I count at least 8 right now plus the cat lady."[/color] Light said, shaking her head with a grin on her face. And here she thought today might be boring.